Part 13

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Hours later,an exhausted Andrea arrived back at Dec and Ali's house.

After getting out of the taxi and entering the driveway through the electric gates,she looked up at the huge house and smiled menacingly.

"I'm home" she smirked "they ain't getting rid of me that easily"

After sleeping for hours,she eventually got up and made her way to the High Street and to a key cutters,where she had replicas of the house keys made,before making her way to the neighbour Dennis's house.

"Hello Andrea" he said abruptly,having been informed about her behaviour by Ali "I assume you have the keys?"

"Yep" she nodded and dropped the new set into his outstretched palm,smiling inwardly at how easy it was to still stay in the house,she would just make sure she always locked everything from the inside,so Dennis couldn't enter should he become suspicious that she was still there,although she knew going in and out without being seen was going to be tricky.

But then again why should she even care?

So what if he saw her?what could he do?it's not like Dec and Ali were likely to rush back from Australia to chuck her out,this was still her home as far as she was concerned,for the next few weeks at least.

Once she was back inside the house,she immediately started planning how she would make the most of having this gorgeous house to herself.

A party!

Of course,that was the obvious thing,getting just about everyone she knew and their friends to come and eat and drink themselves stupid.

"It's gonna be an amazing party" she grinned to herself and immediately started texting just about everyone she knew with a time and date and the acceptance texts started arriving if anyone was going to turn down an invite to the famous Declan Donnelly's house,especially if it involved food and drink and who knows what other substances.

"This is gonna be brilliant" Andrea laughed,as took one of Dec's beers out of the fridge and made her way upstairs "it's gonna be the party to end all parties"

She got a little sidetracked though as she passed Dec and Ali's bedroom,as something had just popped into her mind.

She immediately took the dvd out from the back of the shelf and popped it into the dvd player and made herself comfortable on her now ex employers bed.

"Hello again big boy" she grinned as she looked at Dec completely naked and took a swig of beer.

She couldn't believe how stupid Dec and Ali were to actually make a sex tape in a house where they weren't the only adults there,but that was going to be to her advantage,she was convinced of that.

After watching the dvd and admiring Dec's physique throughout,as well as his other manly things,she took it up to her room and hid it at the bottom of her wardrobe.

She kept a low profile over the next few days,there was plenty to eat and drink in the house,so didn't need to go out much at all,but as the day of the party approached,she cared even less about anyone knowing she was there.

She ordered a massive food delivery on the work credit card that Dec and Ali had supplied her with and seemed to have forgotten to cancel.

She arranged for the delivery to arrive in the evening the day before the big event,so Dennis or anyone else probably wouldn't see.

Obviously they would become aware of the party as it took place,but by then it would be too late for anyone to do anything about it.

As her guests arrived the next day,Dennis's suspicions were quickly aroused.

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