Part 5

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The next morning,after taking what seemed like hundreds of pictures of Isla in her new school uniform,Dec,Ali,Isla,Jack and Andrea all set off for the primary school together,taking the double buggy, which Isla was happy to jump into.

"Hey" Dec laughed "this is supposed to be for when you're tired"

"I am tired" Isla giggled.

"You've only been up a couple of hours" Dec replied "it's a hard life when you're four isn't it?"

"Very hard Daddy" Isla grinned.

"You do look so smart in your new uniform" Andrea smiled "what a big girl you are,you must be so excited?"

Isla ignored her.

"Sweetheart" Ali cajoled "Andrea asked you a question,please answer her,let's remember our manners shall we?are you excited about starting school?"

Isla nodded slightly,trying to avoid Andrea's intense stare.

As they arrived at school,a welcome surprise figure was waiting for them.

"UNCLE ANT" Isla yelled out,easily unbuckling her safety strap and throwing herself into her Godfather's arms "what are you doing here?"

"Had to see my best girl on her first day of school didn't I eh?" He beamed, while scooping her up into his arms "it's an important day for you and I wanted to wish you luck,a smart kid like you is gonna love school"

"I'm glad you came" Ali smiled "we appreciate it"

"Yeah" Dec agreed "wasn't expecting to see ya today"

"I knew you'd be missing me" Ant winked.

"Oh,sorry" Dec quickly said "Ant,this is our new nanny,Andrea"

"Nice to meet you Andrea" Ant smiled "don't take any shit from this lot"

"Language" Dec frowned "little ones present"

"Oh yeah,shit...I mean...oops...sorry" Ant muttered.

Dec grinned at him fondly.

"Don't worry" he laughed "she's heard a lot worse from us"

"I know she has" Ant shook his head playfully "anyway,how are you getting on Andrea?hope these two are treating you well?"

"Yes,they are" Andrea smiled sweetly "they're a lovely family,I'm sure I'm going to be very happy with them"

"Well,they're lucky to have you" Ant beamed.

"That's very kind of you to say" Andrea replied.

"Well,if we're all ready?" Ali cut in "let's get this big girl to school"

Ali was soon introducing everyone to Miss Hampshire,Isla's teacher.

"Isla is very excited" Dec informed her "she's so ready for this"

"And we're looking forward to having her" Miss Hampshire replied "shall we go inside Isla?some of the other kids are already here"

The little girl nodded excitedly and took her teacher's hand.

Dec and Ali had done a lot of research into finding the perfect school for their daughter and decided on an amazing private school and luckily it wasn't too far from home.

"Hey" Dec called out "not even a kiss for Daddy?"

"Sorry Daddy" Isla grinned,while yanking her hand out of her teacher's and running into her loving father's arms.

"You have the best day ever ok?" Dec said as he kissed her head "work very hard and listen to your teacher"

"I will" Isla replied excitedly,before moving on to her mum.

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