Part 12

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Andrea reluctantly followed the group back to the hotel,still inwardly seething about the little girls antics.

Ant and Anne-Marie offered to take the kids back to their suite so Dec and Ali could talk to Andrea without any interruptions.

"Sit down" Dec ordered and Andrea obligingly sat on the sofa with Dec next to her and Ali on an armchair opposite.

"You do know that what happened today was totally unacceptable don't you?" Dec asked.

"Yeah,I'm sorry" Andrea replied nonchalantly "I promise it won't happen again"

"No it won't" Ali snapped "because you're fired"

"What?" Andrea asked surprised.

"Oh,come on" Ali laughed sarcastically "it can hardly come as a shock to you after what you did?"

"What I did?" Andrea shrugged innocently "I don't know what you're talking about?"

"You let a four year old wander off by herself for fuck's sake" Ali fumed "anything could have happened"

"But it didn't" Andrea pointed out "she's fine and no doubt loving all the attention"

"You're unbelievable" Ali snapped "Dec,are you going to back me up here or what?"

"Ali is right" Dec said in a harsh tone that Andrea had never heard before "it was your job to look after her,but you didn't,you chose to sunbathe instead and weren't even watching her,what kind of nanny are you?"

"A very good one" Andrea snapped back "and you know it"

"Wow" Ali shook her head in disbelief "you're delusional too...look I'm sorry about whatever has happened in your life to make you this way,but our kids are our priority and you being in their lives any longer isn't good for them,you've obviously had some issues going on from the beginning,but Dec always persuaded me to give you another chance,you would have been gone long ago if I'd had my way"

"Yeah,you had me fooled" Dec frowned "and I'm sorry I didn't take you more seriously Ali,then it wouldn't have got this far"

"Oh for God's sake you two" Andrea retorted "you really are making mountains out of molehills,it's really not that big of a deal"

"What the actual fuck?" Ali fumed "of course it's a big deal"

By now both Dec and Ali were up from their seats and pacing the floor in frustration.

"Is it Ali?" Andrea shrugged "is it really?Isla is fine,she just went for a little walk,then she was brought back to us,can't we just move on now?"

"Bloody hell Andrea" Dec sighed "why don't you get it?we were very lucky that nothing awful happened to her,but the point is,something might have and that would have been caused by your negligence"

"And it's not just that" Ali pointed out "Isla has told us how mean you have been to her right from the beginning"

"She's lying" Andrea said.

"Why would she lie?" Dec asked "we know all about how you wouldn't let her go in the buggy,how you threw her rainbow away,how you shout at her all the time,how you stabbed the buggy tyre with a knife so you wouldn't have to use it,you've got something seriously wrong in your head to do all that"

"I told you" Andrea shrugged "she's lying"

"As if a four year old could make all that up" Ali snapped.

Dec was now getting slightly tearful at the thought of how his beloved daughter had been treated and was keen to wrap the conversation up.

"Anyway,we'll book you onto the next available flight home and also pay you up until the end of the month,we can't say fairer than that" he stated.

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