Part 10

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"No Ali" Dec frowned "you're being ridiculous"

"What?" Ali asked surprised "why am I?"

"We can't get rid of Andrea right here,right now,in Australia" Dec protested "that would be incredibly unfair,not to mention inconvenient,we can't do that to her"

"Unfair?" Ali laughed sarcastically "what about what's fair to me?to you?to our kids?"

"Sorry Ali" Dec frowned "but I've listened carefully to what you've said and I don't actually think she's done anything wrong in this instance"

"You are joking I assume?" Ali fumed.

"No,I'm not" Dec sighed "Ok,she had some casual sex,so what?who hasn't?"

"Yeah,but the rest of us didn't do it while away with our employers" Ali pointed out "it's unprofessional"

"Oh,just listen to yourself Ali" Dec laughed "she can do whatever she wants in her free time,even when she's here,as long as she's not hurting anyone"

"Well,she's hurting me" Ali stated.

"You're just going to have to get over it then" Dec shrugged "We need her and she's good with the kids,so why do you want to rock the boat just because she had a bit of fun in her own time?"

"It just doesn't seem right that's all" Ali muttered.

"Look" Dec smiled and placed a loving arm around his wife "can we please just move on from this eh?it really doesn't need to be a big deal,can we just give her another chance and see how it goes?"

Ali took a deep breath,she knew how stubborn her husband could be and knew that he was unlikely to back down on this.

She also knew from a practical point of view that he was right and they did need Andrea,now probably wasn't the time or place to be searching for a new nanny.

"I suppose I could give her one more chance" Ali nodded in defeat "but I've got my eye on her"

"I don't doubt that" Dec laughed and kissed her on the cheek "it'll be fine,I promise you"

"Well,I'm blaming you if it isn't" Ali smiled mischievously.

The next day,Andrea started her first full work day since arriving in Australia.

She acted as if nothing had happened between her and Ali,which Ali wasn't quite sure how to take.

"'ve got some things to do" Ali announced "so I thought you could take the kids to the beach for a while,not too long though,don't want them being out in the sun too long"

"Yes Ali" Andrea smiled "I understand that too much sun isn't good for children"

Ali wasn't sure if she was being sarcastic or not,so didn't react.

"Maybe we'll go mid to late afternoon" Andrea stated "then they won't be out too long,although it's not actually that hot yet,we can just stay here beforehand"

"Ok" Ali nodded "then once Dec is back from the set,we might come and join you,if he's not too tired"

Andrea's heart sank at the thought of Ali coming to the beach too and watching her every move,although she did like the idea of Dec being there and immediately started deciding in her head which swimming costume she would wear,of course she decided it would be the skimpiest one she owned.

Ali got her stuff together and said goodbye to the kids.

"I've managed to express some milk" she stated "well,enough for today at least"

Andrea immediately made a mental note to buy some baby formula while they were out.

As soon as Ali had left,Andrea sat Isla down in front of the television and picked Jack up.

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