Chapter 1: The Night We Met

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The world is spinning, my eyes, unfocused.
What's going on? My voice sounds loud in my head. The crowed streets are filled with bustling life, music and celebration rings through the air. The sweet smell of fried foods and alcohol fills my nose, while bright colors blind me. Something jolts me, and suddenly I am on the ground. My (h/c) locks fall into my eyes, blinding me.
It's too loud. It's too bright. Everything hurts, but I feel nothing at all. People around me must be looking at me weird.
I feel their eyes.
My (e/c) orbs burn holes into the cracked, ragged ground, then a pair of squeaky clean black shoes comes into my vision. The soft taps calm me. A hand caresses the side of my face, forcing me to look up. My eyes are met with the most beautiful oak eyes, filled with concern, but a bright smile on his slim, handsome features. I see his mouth moving, but his words don't reach me. My head feels like a bag of bricks and lolls to the side, but the strange man's other hand forces me to look ahead.
His hands are so soft, but so rough.
"Pardon me, dear, but are you alright?" A voice smooth as silk finally reaches my ears, and my eyes flick back up to his.
"Where am I?" I hear my own voice, and a slight chuckle from the man can be heard.
"Why, my dear, You're at the Mardi Gras parade! Have you had so much to drink that you don't even know where you are?" His eccentric voice soothes me.
Oh... Right. My eyes flick back down to stare at the dirty pavement.
"Possibly... What is your name, sir?" I slur out slowly. I just wanted to hear him speak again, and my wish would be granted.
"Alastor! Pleasure to meet you miss...?" He stops speaking, and my agitation grows slightly.
Just speak more to me, pretty man.
"Y/N, It's nice to meet you, Alastor." I slur his name, making it sound like 'Allstor'.  My hand thrusts in front of me, and he takes it, chuckling slightly.
"Miss Y/N, if you don't mind me asking, what is a pretty dame like you sitting on the dirty ground for, but I now think I know the answer." A sly smirk splays across his face as he leans in close, giving me a closer look at his face. His tan skin stands out, making his smile all the brighter. His full lips and thin nose are mere inches from mine, and as I try to lean back, a hand catches me behind the neck.
"My dear, I don't think it would be wise for you to lay on the ground. Who knows what putrid things have been on it. No, no, no, I won't allow it." A hand pulls me up from my waist.
He's strong. A slight blush heats up my face, but is soon replaced my a nauseating feeling. Alastor must see this, because he picks me up bridal style, saunters over to a bin, and promptly sets me down. I throw up into the bin, mortified that this handsome man is watching me throw up. After emptying all the contents of my stomach, I turn around, muttering an apology, but he was no where to be found.
"Y/N! Are you okay? You just disappeared on me!" A familiar voice fills my ears, making my heart warm.
"Yes, dear sister, I am alright. Where were you? I got lost in the crowd and met..." I stop in my tracks.
What if you imagined him? What if he's not real?
" Who? There's no one around here..." She whips her long blonde hair, making her look angelic. "Anyways, we are about to walk home, do you need anything? Water?" she pulls out a water from seemingly no where. "Pain killers?" another bottle. "A fan?" She holds up a brightly colored paper fan
Where is she getting all this stuff from? It's making you dizzy.
"A water would be great actually, but I think I'm ready to go home." I snag the bottle from her hand, turning it up and draining the contents quickly. My older sister, Josie Anne, locks elbows with me as we stagger to our small home in the outskirts of the town. My mind thinking of Alastor the whole way home.
Little did I know, that was not the last time we would meet.

Hi everyone! i hope you enjoyed the first chapter!
i do not own characters used from hazbin hotel, that honor goes to miss Vivziepop herself. i'm just a crazed fan!

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