Chapter 9: Anniversary

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⚠️ SH trigger warning⚠️
As the lukewarm water runs over my aching body, I think of Alastor. I never would've guessed he is one of the most notorious serial killers in the United States. Sure, he seemed a the more I got to know him, but I never would've guessed his hands were stained in red as well. It makes me feel a deeper connection with him.  I smile to myself, rinsing the shampoo out of my hair. The smell of cedar hits your nose. I can't believe I get to smell like him, it's comforting, like home with my sister.
Josie. She's always been kind to me, despite our father. She has been a godsend my entire life, sneaking me food when our father would starve me, patching up my... wounds, comforting me while I cry, chained in the basement. I don't remember a life before the abuse, but I'd like to think our father was kind to me, but my gut tells me this is not true, that's why I felt no remorse for killing him. The scars on my back sting slightly at the thought of him whipping me with a flog, and my eyes go dull thinking about it all. I should've tortured him; I should've slowly fed him the poison... One drop at a time. Make him slowly suffer. The reason we never had any money was because of him. He drank it all away. The scars sting more, and I claw at my shoulders, creating new marks. At this point, my whole body is littered in old and new scars, some from my father, some from myself, but my sister covers them well. Would Alastor still find me beautiful?
I shake my head from the loud thoughts and turn off the water, before stepping onto one of the already laid out towels on the white tiled floor. I see an extra towel, and I snag it, wrapping my hair up to keep it from dripping everywhere. I take the other towel and wrap it around my body, clutching it tightly. I notice there is not mirror in this bathroom, but I soon shake it off, padding into his living quarters. The neatly folded black lounge set stares back at me, and I immediately grimace. It's short sleeved, meaning I would have to show my arms without the makeup. Maybe he wont notice.
It's Alastor, of course he's going to notice.
I try to not think about it as I slip on the clothes, before taking my mass of hair down, scrunching it with my fingers. The lounge set is a bit long on me, which I am grateful for. The satin slides against my skin, causing a shiver to run up my spine. I glance down at the scars adorning my body from abuse and self harm.
"No one will love you with scars like that. You will die alone." My father's voice booms loud in my ears. I cover them, lowering myself onto the carpet.
He's not real. He's dead. Relax. Take a deep breath, just like Josie told you. I take a deep breath, counting to 10, before slowly getting up on shaky legs. I walk towards the door, immediately noticing a small note with a flower sitting neatly on top. My heart warms; a smile spreads across my face. I pick up the note, but before reading it, I push the flower into my hair. His neat handwriting stares back at me, waiting to be read.
My lovely Y/N,
You are the closest to heaven I will ever get, but I cannot help but to indulge. Your soft s/c skin like the fluffy clouds above, your h/c locks fluffy like the feathers of angels. Your smile God would envy, but of course, your eyes, they shine like the galaxy laid out before us. Your are truly the most beautiful creature I've ever laid my eyes on. You are my heaven, my dear. My muse.
Until we meet again, my angel.
Sincerely, Alastor.
With the largest smile seen to man, I open the door, to be met with more of the same wildflowers, arranging in colors from white, to blue, to deep purple... I reach down to the flowers, picking them up and placing them into my hair into a makeshift crown. I follow the sounds of music and the sweet smell of Alastor's cooking. I see an array of little treats fixed onto the dining counter, which now has a white tablecloth laid across it with small candles filling the room with a slight scent. Alastor hums at the stove, not noticing me, and sways his hips to the jazzy tune. He finally turns around, startled by you being there, and almost drops the two small plates he held. He immediately straightens himself with a cough, a blush rising to his cheeks. A small giggle comes out of my mouth. His eyes never leave you, drinking you in. He notices the flowers first, his loving smile growing. Then, he notices the scars on your arms. His smile doesn't drop, but shifts from loving to downright murderous, before his eyes snap back up to my own, the loving smile returning.
"My darling dear! You look ravishing! Those little flowers in your hair truly make you look ethereal." His long legs stride over to me, and he takes my scarred hands in his own, before pressing a quick kiss to my lips.
"Thank you, Al. Everything smells great, dear. What did I do to deserve you?" I look up at him, hugging him tightly. I feel so safe with him. He falters slightly before hugging me back.
"No, my dear, what did I do to deserve you?" He mumbles into me, his breath tickling my forehead. He suddenly jerks back, making me flinch. His smile falters, but he covers it up quickly. My smile drops and I lean in to hug him again, pressing my face into the crook of his neck.
"I don't want for you to look at me like I'm a wounded animal, Al... I'm fine now. What he did to me was... awful, but I don't want for you to look at me as if I'm a fragile piece of glass."
I am a fragile piece of glass, but sharp enough to cause some damage if handled with malice.
I smile up at him, caressing his cheek. His eyes are filled with concern, his brows knit together. I rib in between them.
"You're going to give yourself wrinkles, dear." His eyes widen, brows raising, a small smile coming back onto his features. He takes my wrist into his hands, rubbing circles onto the small scars.
"I'm sorry dear. I just wish you would have never had to go through that abuse. My father was the same way, and before you ask, yes, I killed him as well, but not before he killed my mother. You remind me so much of her, you know. I vowed that day I would never treat a woman I love like he did. My mother was radiant, too kind for this world, much like yourself." He confesses, rubbing his neck, cutting his eyes away from mine. My smile grows.
"Alastor, we are the same." I take his hands into my own. "The world corrupted us into what we are today, failed us. Neither of us deserved it, but we didn't let it take us. We fought back. That's why we are where we are today." His smile comes back full force, and he kisses me.
"I like the way you think, my dear. Let us eat! I do not want our food to get cold!" He ushers me to the kitchen table adorned with foods, and in the muddle of the table, sat the crushed chocolate covered strawberries, the same wildflowers added to the plate.
"The flowers are beautiful, Alastor." I touch one of the delicate petals on my head. He smiles back at me.
"These," He pauses, taking one of the white small bundles. "Are Lily of The Valleys, they mean rebirth. And these," He grasps the light blue ones. "Are hydrangeas. The meaning of this one could be one of two things. Apology or, as I'm using it, prosperity, grace, and beauty. The purple ones are freesias. They are meant to brighten your mood, and the yellow in the middle symbolizes innocence." He caresses the petals, before adding them to the array of flowers in my hair. My eyes are watering at this point, and my hand comes up to touch his, before leaning in and kissing him long and slow. He melted into the kiss immediately, wiping the stray tear from my eye. The kiss soon turns heated, desperate. We grasp onto each other as if we were the only source of keeping each other alive. My arms wrap around his neck, and his long slender fingers reach underneath my shirt to grasp at my hips, sending a shiver down my spine. He takes my bottom lip into his and bites down, causing me to moan out. He pulls me closer, pressing me against him, making him groan into my mouth. Then, he pulls away, backing into the table and grasping it hard. He puts his weight into his hands and looks up at me with blown pupils. His blush spreading down the collar of his neck, I'm sure I look the same. The flowers in my hair are now gone, strewn on the floor in a circle around me. My body feels hot.
"I think we shouldn't go any further, my dear. I am a gentleman, after all." He struggles to catch his breath as he talks to me, and I do the same, nodding, but slightly disappointed.
"I understand. Plus, we haven't even eaten yet. We seem to stay distracted." I joke, nudging my shoulder against him, going to pull out my seat, before he stops me, pulling the chair out for me. I smirk at him, walking around the table to where his plate was sat. I pull the chair out and it creaks against the wooden flooring.
"After you, my dear." I do my Alastor impression and bow slightly. His eyes widen and he bursts out laughing at me, but obliging, taking a seat.
"How could I say no with such a pretty face asking me so nicely?" He giggles at himself, and I break character, laughing with him, before walking over to my seat. The wood creaks when I sit down, and Alastor begins serving himself, starting with the big pot of some sort of stew. He notices my look, and begins to explain.
"It's jambalaya! My mothers recipe, actually. Careful though, the kick is straight out of hell! Ha ha ha!" His smiles at the thought of his mother, before taking a piece of cornbread from the plate beside it. I mirror him. He immediately starts to dig in, making me turn my head to the side. He looks up, noticing I'm not eating. A lightbulb seems to turn on inside his brain, and he sets down his spoon, wiping his face with a napkin.
"Ah... I'm not much of a believer. My family and I never said 'grace'." It makes total sense, and I nod my head, voicing my opinions.
"I've never been much of a believer, either, but my sister is very religious. I guess I'm just used to it. It's nice for a change, though." I smile, taking the neatly set out spoon and taking a bite of the infamous jambalaya, and my eyes immediately widen. A moan almost escapes my mouth at the broth bursting with flavor. I swallow it quickly, patting my mouth with the napkin.
"This is incredible! I knew you were a great cook, but this is next level! You should open your own diner, Alastor! I could die happy right here right now!" I grin at him, and his smile grows into the wide one everyone sees on a daily basis, but the only difference is this one is genuine.
"Why, thank you my dear! I could die happy knowing you enjoy it!" He reciprocates, continuing to eat. I follow him, allowing the music to fill the comfortable silence. By the time we finish eating, we are both happily full and sleepy, but the night isn't over. I know Alastor must be curious about the little gift, which lay wrapped onto the table. His eyes flicker towards it every once in a while. He also seems nervous, probably about the gift. I take one of the strawberries in my hands, leaning across the table and pushing towards his lips. He smiles and takes it in between his teeth, never breaking eye contact. A blush creeps up my face as he does the same, and I attempt to not break eye contact, but his gaze is just so powerful. He wipes a bit of chocolate of my lips, and kisses me. While our lips mingle, I grab the little box. I take his hand into my own, standing, and he follows. We walk into the living room, and sit on the couch. I take a deep breath, holding out the small wrapped box for him to take. He takes it, carefully unwrapping it and opening the small box to reveal a silver pocket watch, with a matching silver chain. His eyes shoot up to mine, and he raises the chain, holding it to his chest.
"Alastor, I just want to thank you for everything. I know it's not much, but I want it to symbolize us. Going forever and always, just like the vast stretch of time." I take his hands into my own, which shake slightly from nerves. He pulls away with a large grin, kissing me and going over to the record player. The familiar tune begins to play , the song that makes my heart flutter, but I notice its just the music, and Alastor Akers a deep breath, before singing the lyrics. He holds out his hand, and I gladly take it, swaying along with the music. He holds me close enough to feel his chest reverberate. I drink him in. His scent, his warmth. His smooth voice cracks on some of the higher notes, but in such a way that emotion feels more clear. I understand him in that moment. We fall into the tune, we fall into each other. The song ends to early for my liking, but Alastor takes a deep breath, reaching into his back pocket, and kneeling.
My heart races, my hands come to cover my mouth. He looks up at me with tears in his eyes.
"I had something else planned, but this feels more like us, don't you agree? Y/N, ever since you fell into my life, I became enraptured with you. Everything about you. It feels as though you were made for me, and vise versa. You understand me, and you don't fault me for it. I cannot imagine giving myself to anyone else but to you, for you are the only one to deserve it. I know I'm not perfect, but I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you be mine, and give me the honors of marrying you?" Tears stream freely, from both myself and Alastor. Words die on my lips, and all I can do is shake my head. The glimmering ring in his hand shines back at me. The silver band with a large salt and pepper diamond in the center. Smaller black gems are placed intricately around it. It's the most unique,beautiful ring I've ever seen.
"Alastor, I will say yes to you in every lifetime. You taught me to love myself, scars and all. Never in my life would I have thought I would be in a relationship... Yes Alastor, I will marry you." I fall to my knees and wrap my arms around him, placing a loving kiss onto his cheeks, nose, forehead, and lips. He kisses back, fumbling with the ring with shaky hands until it finds my ring finger, sliding it on. It fits perfectly, and I pull back to examine it on my finger, twirling it. He takes my left hand into his to adorn the ring.
"It's so stunning. How could you even find a ring like this?" I ask, pushing my forehead against his. He chuckles.
"I can't be giving away all of my secrets dear. Let's just say I have some connections." I smile, and something clicks. About a month ago, Rosie had asked me what my ring size is, because 'how could someone have such pretty fingers?'. A wide grin tugs onto my lips and I kiss him again. He melts into me, and we bask in each other's presence. Happy for once.

😄💍 Until next time my dears~
also a special thanks to RedMoonRose for being the first to vote on this fic, it means the world to me🫶🏼

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