Chapter 6: Confessions?

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⚠️This chapter will get a bit steamy with past traumas and emotions and all that jazz. speaking of which, ya like jazz~?🐝🎷
Sitting on the creaking swing set with Y/N makes me notice a number of things:
1. she's quite different from most women, and even seems to have a mind of her own, maybe she even reads! (I'll have to ask her later to confirm.)
2. She seems a bit... mentally old for her age. I learned earlier she is 19, but acts poise and knows what she's talking about, making her seem around 25 or older.
3. Her hands. Although soft to the touch, her knuckles are worn with bruises and old scars, which I find strangely attractive. I notice small scars littering her entire body, but predominantly on her knuckles and fingers.
4. I would not be able to harm her. With other women, killing them in cold blood would be absolutely simple, but her? It would drive me (more) insane knowing I took the light out of those eyes.
5. This woman must be a witch of sorts. For the 28 years I've been alive, no one, and I mean absolutely NO ONE has made me feel such strong emotions, which I presumed as weak, but these emotions make me feel... strong of a sort.
After talking to her for what only felt like a short amount of time, the sun soon began to set, creating a beautiful cast of oranges, pinks, reds, and purples across the slightly clouded sky. Less and less people enter the park's only entrance, and the sound of children laughing slowly drowns away into a comfortable silence. I take in the gorgeous woman beside me, drinking up her life. Y/N's skin seems to practically glow in this light, making her look like a powerful goddess.
Maybe she is one.
Her slight curls refract every shade of the sky, making a halo of magnificent color around her, perhaps she is an angel? The breeze suddenly picks up, making a shiver run through her body.
"My dear, if you were cold, all you'd have to do was say something. I do wish I had brought a coat, otherwise I'd give you my shirt, although I'm not sure how people would react seeing me shirtless..." I give her a genuine smile as I stand, taking her hand. I make sure to run a finger across her knuckles to feel the scarring. I take immediate notice that some of the 'scars' were in fact, not scars at all, but cuts and gashes covered with makeup. She slightly flinches at the action, but covers it up by asking what time it is.
"It's around 7:00, my dear. Are you hungry? We can stop by this little diner before I return you home." She nods her head in agreement with a small smile before taking my arm.
"Let us go enjoy our meal, then, my precious little doe~." Her quietness as we walk bothers me slightly, but I presume she is probably exhausted. Although the makeup mostly covers it, bags can be seen. Either from not sleeping or stressing herself out to the max, I cannot decide.
"It's a beautiful night, tonight." She whispers into the night, almost low enough to where I cannot hear it. The crickets and frogs croak along with her, a soft ballad of the bayou.
"Yes, indeed, almost as beautiful as you, my dear." I bow my head in her direction, looking into those beautiful, glowing, (e/c) eyes. Her frown tugs downward, making my heart clench in ways I do not understand.
"What's wrong, my dear? You know you can talk to me. I do hate seeing such an expression on your face. My mother always said: 'You're never fully dressed without a smile!'. It was something I always remembered from my childhood, no matter how much I wanted to forget, but it's made me the man I am today. So, in a way, I'm grateful." Her eyes immediately perk up when I say this. I am not fond talking about such things, but with her, it comes easy, like the tide washing away the minuscule particles of sand, or the wind taking the last leaf of the summer, wilted and orange with age. Finally, she speaks.
"Is that why you're always smiling? Ever since I met you, I cannot recall a moment where your smile drops. It makes it hard to read you. We talked for seemingly hours on those blasted plastic swings, and yet, I feel as though I know nothing about you, Alastor. Why is that?" Her question takes me aback, making me stop dead in my tracks. I scan her eyes, looking for a glimpse of something, but all I get in return is concern written across her features.
She's quite perceptive.
"Ah, well, you've quite literally stopped me in my tracks, my dear! I do not want you to feel as though you do not know me. In fact, I've let you see more of me than I will let anyone else see. I'm a naturally closed of person with... secrets of my own, but you will definitely peel back the layers if we continue to see each other. You do not know how much it scares me being this close to a person." I do not mean to add that last sentence, and I clench my jaw as it reaches my ears. She tightens her grip on my biceps, leaning in closer as a silent form of apology. I look down into her eyes, surprised by the fact that big, crocodile tears now welled up in them. It sends a shiver of delight and concern down my body.
What had I said that made her break? Does it also scare her being this close to me? Her voice breaks me out of my trance, and I slowly reach to wipe a stray tear from her eye.
"Thank you, Alastor. I have never been able to make connections of my own. My sister... she thinks I'm quite odd. I do not spend my time like other women. I took after my father when we were younger, since our mother... passed at such a young age. I do not even remember her, but my sister does. She says I look exactly how she looked when she was younger, but I act more like our father. She is the opposite." Words spill out of her mouth like a dam breaking open. She seems to have these emotions suppressed at all times, and I can only imagine how exhausting that must be. Pressing our foreheads together and wrapping arms around her shaking, cool body, I let out a soft sigh.
"I am sorry about your mother. I will not press for details. You can tell me when you're ready, little doe. I do not think you're odd, in fact, I think you're the most mentally and physically attractive woman I've ever met. You are strong. You have a mind of your own. You do not bow to authority easily. It's fascinating and beautiful how your intricate mind works. It's one of the main reasons I fell for you, and I will continue to fall. Usually, it is the other way around. With me at the bottom to catch you, but with me falling so fast, I do not think I would be able to catch you, my dear. Will you catch me?" The confession spewing out of my mouth makes me want to retch onto the sidewalk, but I cannot stop the words from forming. Her light grip tightens on me.
"I feel the exact same way. I feel like I am aimlessly falling into a bottomless pit, and if it is bottomless, who's to say we need catching? We can just fall together in each others arms into the dark abyss." Her beautifully put together words take me back yet again. This woman's way of speaking is gorgeous. Intricate. Like the woven thread of a perfectly sewn dress, no frays at the end, no knots to catch you up. Perfection.
"You put words so beautifully, dear, maybe you should be my co-host on the radio. All of New Orleans, no, Louisiana should hear you! Although, a part of me wants to keep you and your spoken music to myself." I admit to her, running my fingers through her long locks of hair, not many women would chose to keep their natural hair, but she seems to not care. The soft tendrils fall through my fingers, reminding me of the mane of a lion. She laughs at my remark about the co- host before responding sadly.
"Oh, no! I am far to shy to talk to thousands of people everyday, answering their questions, picking out music. You would possibly even lose listeners and respect if you did that, for I am just a woman." Her eyes drop to the ground below sadly, and the lights casting from the town envelope her as she pulls away, walking towards the small cafe. I quickly catch up to her, grabbing her shoulders and forcing her to look back at me. My voice drops to a serious tone, my smile falling to show how serious I am.
"My dear, you are anything but just 'a woman'." I throw up air quotation marks around 'a woman'. "You have no idea how much you have to offer, do you? You are so incredibly smart, and I may be the luckiest man in the world to enjoy your smooth talking and quick remarks. Your speaking is art, my doe. Art." A genuine smile tugs at my lips as she flings her arms around me, laughing.
"You are the kindest man I've ever met, Alastor! I do hope we continue seeing each other. You make me feel alive!" I spin her before softly setting her down, her shoes making soft clicks as I do so. Although, her words bring a pang into my heart.
If only she knew how many people I've tortured and killed for my own demise. She would not feel the same.
I lead her into the town to the small diner, the soft jingling of the bell making her jump slightly.
"I do hope we continue seeing each other as well, Miss Y/N." I place a small kiss on her cheek, and she gives that million dollar smile.

whew... well... there's a lot to unpack in this chapter.
Maybe our favorite little strawberry pimp's heart isn't so dead, after all, but hey, right now, he's only human ;)

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