Chapter 5: My Buck

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~~~~~ Y/N~~~~~
I took my sister's advice: be forward, be mysterious, be flirty, and it seems to be working out well, with Alastor stumbling over his words. He loosens the black bow tie around his neck, runs his hands through his hair, looks everywhere but into my eyes, and mutters something.
The eccentric man turned into a blushing schoolboy, BY MY WORDS!!!
"You okay, Mister Alastor?~" I decide to keep flirting until he snaps. His eyes certainly do widen at the use of 'mister', but he tries to keep what's left of his composure. (also i imagine he has the same expression as stolas meeting blitzø for the first time, cute little birb baby)
"Yes my doe, I just didn't expect for you to be so forward! I really admire that about you, you know? Even on the night we met, I didn't expect for you to be so forward. Telling me, and I quote 'just speak to me more, pretty man'. At first, I thought it was the alcohol talking, but seeing how you are now, I think that might just be you, my darling." He smirks at me, now it's my turn to turn into a blushing mess.
I said that out loud? That's it, I'm never touching giggle juice ever again. 
"Oh my! I'm so so sorry, Alastor. I didn't realize my thoughts had become words. Forgive me if I made you uncomfortable." I bow my head in silent apology. He doubled over laughing, hitting his fist against the table a couple of times, making me jump. I stare at him with wide eyes, before giggling myself.
We are just a couple of idiots, aren't we?
"Consider it we're even, Y/N!" He gets out between laughs, wiping tears from his eyes.
We sit in silence while he puts away the 'stupidly annoying' (his words not mine) paperwork,but I got the chance to stare at his features for a couple of minutes.
He's so handsome!
His sharp eyes scan the papers with such grace and fire, and I can't help but to think his eyes could see through my soul. My eyes flick to his now messy clothes. Black dress pants that fit him in all the right places, a white dress shirt, tucked in neatly, a red vest adorns his chest, making him look quite regal, and his once tied bow tie, now in one long strand around his neck. Underneath his white shirt, I catch a glimpse of a scar, but immediately look away when he catches me looking. I feel heat immediately as he chuckles at me.
"Like what you see?~" His velvet voice calls out to you, awaiting your response.
Suck it up and be flirty! I can almost hear my sister telling me.
Standing up slightly, I lean over his desk, placing one hand on his chest. I give him a quick peck on the cheek before leaning in his ear.
"Of course I do, Alastor~" He pulls back quickly to look at me, disbelief and lust in his eyes.
"Well, I do take that as our sign to leave! Come along, little doe. Let's take a stroll. I personally could use some fresh air!" His voice never wavers, but as he leaves his office, he is immediately stopped by Rosie.
"Looks like someone had fun." She takes note of his messy hair, untied tie, unbuttoned shirt, and raging blush ( you thought i was gonna say boner, didn't you???) which somehow got darker at her words. I couldn't help but chuckle at him while he hurriedly fixes his appearance.
"There we go! Right as rain!" He spits at her, doing a little 'Ta-Da!' stance. I admire the way he always is smiling, even though it is a little creepy when he's irritated.
"Now, if we're done here, the lovely Y/N and I will be leaving." He saunters off towards the door, holding it open and waiting for me, his eyes almost plead for me to hurry up. I turn to Rosie to say my goodbyes, making sure to torture Alastor for as long as possible.
"Rosie, right? It was lovely meeting you! I hope we can become close friends in the future!" I hold my hand out to her and she takes it shyly, muttering something along the lines of
"It was lovely to meet you as well, Miss Y/N. Take care of him, he can have a hot temper." I smile at this, letting go of her hand and nodding. I turn towards the door, looking at Alastor. He has his hand on his hip, tapping a foot impatiently, and looking down at his watch which adorned his left wrist. A faint glimpse of his past blush is still evident on his face, which makes me smile.
"I'm ready to go, dear!" I walk over to him, linking arms with him and he gladly pulls me out of the white building. Alastor keeps a tight grip on my arm.
"Stay close to me, there's a murder out, and I wouldn't dare let anyone harm you, sweet doe." His voice lowers darkly, and I retort my response.
"The killer has no problem killing more than one person at a time, no matter the sex, but I do admit, I feel much safer with you by my side." I pat his arm with a small smile on my face as he drags me onto a beaten path, towards a small park, littered with laughing children and tired looking parents. I turn towards Alastor, taking no notice to his troubled expression. Taking both his hands and pulling him towards the park, he grimaces at me for a moment.
"My dear, do we have to go somewhere with those screaming little things?" He waves a hand toward a running child, snot coming out of her nostrils. You laugh lightly, hitting his arm.
"C'mon! Parks are fun! Let's sit on the swing set." I tug him over to a set of two swings, and he slowly sat down. I motion for his hand, he slowly gives it to me, his blush returning slightly. The wind picks up slightly, swishing the ruffles of my dress against my ankles, making me shiver slightly. The air is lightly tanged with the scent of pine needles and rain. I let a small smile tug at my lips before speaking.
"So tell me about yourself, Mister Alastor." His grip tightens when 'mister' reaches his ears for the second time today.
"Alastor is fine, my dear, or perhaps you like the little nickname you gave to me over the phone: Al. I do fancy it coming from your lips, dearie, or do you prefer 'pretty man'?" He slyly says with a smirk. A pang of relief hits my chest, followed by a wave of embarrassment.
"Thank goodness you didn't hate that! I was worried I overstepped my boundaries with that nickname." I sign with relief and he chuckles again. I smile in hopes he doesn't notice I ignored his comment.
"You're worried about overstepping boundaries? I couldn't tell, little doe." There's that nickname that always makes my heart flutter.
Little doe. Little doe. Little doe. Would that make him my buck? Hmm... a little test wouldn't hurt, would it?
An idea and smirk comes across my face. with a half lidded smile I look to Alastor, and he obviously knows somethings up, by the way he quizzically looks into your eyes, but his smirk widens. He leans his face close to mine in challenge that I'll back down.
Absolutely not.
"Would that make you my big strong buck?~" I suggest back to him, smirking harder than ever. Like something out of a novel, his face lights up a bright scarlet, and his eyes widen to an insane amount, but he doesn't move away from my gaze.
"My dear, I truly think you're trying to kill me! Hahaha! You wouldn't happen to be this serial killer, would you?" His voice wavers a bit, and he waves a hand over his face in a fanning motion. I let my smirk lift and a lighthearted laugh escapes my lips, raising both of my hands.
"Okay, okay I surrender, Al, and no, I do not happen to be a serial killer in my spare time." He smiles sweetly at the use of his nickname, tightening his grip around mine as a makeshift 'hand hug'. My heart flutters a bit.
You're the one that's gonna kill me, Alastor...
(of a heart attack of course... not murder. never murder.. heh..)

i felt like the last chapter was a touch too sweet, and i'm starting to think no one is reading this, but i enjoy writing and i refuse to stop.
i do not own hazbin hotel or any characters i may use.
until next time~!

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