Chapter 11: Intertwined in Blood

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⚠️ TW⚠️🧍🏻‍♀️
I look towards Alastor, confused. He stares back at me expectantly. We just got eloped at the small chapel that sat in the center of town. We are now in his home, more specifically, in his very off limits office. He sat on his knees in the center of a red, chalk-drawn pentagram, 5 candles sitting neatly at the end of each point. He holds a small blade in his hand the, silver wedding band shining in the candles' glow, and explains.
"I know I will not be going to heaven when I die. I will go to Hell when that fateful day comes. I've made some... deals, per say, and I want you to make a deal with me, dear. Be mine forever, til after death, we will never part. You will be as powerful as me, and you will dominate alongside me." He explains, motioning for me to sit, taking the blade and cutting into the palm of his hand. He doesn't wince. He hands me the small blade, expecting me to chicken out, by the skepticism in his eyes.  I do without hesitation, not wincing, either. If being an overlord of Hell means I can be with Alastor forever, then yes, I will. I will terrorize the damned souls of the Underworld... for him.
He holds out his hand, which drips blood into the center of the star.
"So, it's a deal, then?" He questions, his Cheshire smile beaming, like a proud parent.
I take his hand in my own letting my blood drip as well, and he shakes it.
"It's not a deal, Alastor, it's a promise." His smile widens more, but he doesn't let go of my hand. We stay like that until a small puddle of our mixed blood pools onto the floor. He lets go, raising off his heels and onto his knees to grasp onto me tightly. I feel his relief when I gently hug him back.
"You truly are the perfect woman for me, Y/N." He breathes into my ear, and my arms squeeze in reciprocation. Sometimes, with us, words aren't needed, like we can see into each others' minds. I felt elated being bonded with Alastor in such an intimate way, practically doing a happy jig inside of my brain.
Alastor finishes cleaning the ritual, while I sit outside, watching the sun set into the trees. The warmth of summer clings onto the chill of the air. Fall has always been my favorite season. Not hot enough to make the soles of your shoes melt into the ground, but not cold enough to make you have one hundred layers of clothes just to not get hyperthermia. By the time the sun disappears into the horizon, I feel anxiety pool into my gut for an unknown reason. I glance into the pitch black tree line, shivering. I feel like someone is watching me. I stand, turning to retreat back into the confronts of my new home. Home. I smile, turning the doorknob, but something stops me. That something being a hand on my wrist.
"Don't you dare move. Come with me quietly." A deep voice commands menacingly, and I comply, shutting the door with force, hoping Alastor hears this.
"What is a pretty girl doing out in the middle of the woods like this? You live alone, sweetheart?" He questions, pulling me into the night. My fear grows when I no longer see the glow of the house. I keep my mouth shut. I don't know if this man is armed. He is about a foot taller than me, with a balding head. Blue eyes pierce into my soul, and I yearn for Alastor, mentally calling to him, hoping he can find me soon.
"What are you? Mute, stupid, or just plain ignorant?" He spits into my face, chucking when I flinch back in fear. I clamp my mouth shut, digging my teeth into the insides of my lips. He grabs me by the hair, attempting to slam my face into a nearby tree. I brace myself, so it hits my forearms instead. I let out no groan, but smirk as I brace myself into the tree. If this man is armed, he would've pulled the weapon on me by now. I take a shot into the dark, swiftly turning and jabbing him in the throat. He staggers back, a choked snarl coming from his half opened mouth, I lower myself, digging into the hem of my dress to pull out a sewing needle. In every dress I own, there is a hidden needle, just for times like this. He lunges forward, and I do the same, digging the thick needle into his wrist. He yells, backing away from me, and falls with a thud from tripping on an oak root. He looks up at me, sudden fear taking over his eyes. My eyes darken at him. It's been a while since I've done this. A large smirk splayed across my features as I stalk towards him. Slowly, he backs his way into a tree. A hand on my shoulder suddenly stops me. I whip around, eyes wide, only to be met with an insane smile, and even more insane eyes. Alastor.
"Dear, is this vermin bothering you?" His eyes never leave mine, and I smirk at him, making his smile grow impossibly more. We reach each other like a book. I feign the damsel in distress, putting my arm over my forehead.
"Oh! Alastor, thank goodness you found me... I was terrified!" A manic giggle reverberates through the dense forrest. He hands me a pair of black gloves, a matching set already on his long, slender fingers. Two knives are in his other hand, and I give a polite thank you, taking the gloves, slipping them on. He flamboyantly twirls the knife in his fingers for me to take. I nod, taking the blade and turning to the man, paralyzed with fear, and my toxic mix of snake venoms.
"Why, thank you, dear! Although, I must say, the poison covered needle I shoved into his wrist is already working its magic. Wouldn't you agree?" He smiles at me lovingly, walking ahead of me to the man. He nudges his leg with a long, perfectly clean shoe. His leg flops lazily to the side. He laughs, turning towards me, lifting his arms to shrug, the knife reflecting slightly in the low light.
"Wouldn't hurt to have a little fun, now would it?" The man's shaky gasps and mumbled pleads reach our ears, and I know we don't have much time left. I step beside Alastor, kneeling and thrusting my knife into the man's thigh. His strangled cry brings me delight, like with all of my victims. Alastor isn't the only serial killer, here, for my hands are also drenched in venom laced blood. The only difference? My victims are never found. Sleazy men like these are careless with their crimes, and most people aren't connected to them, making them easy targets. Alastor's gloved hand grabs the man's hair, bashing his head into the back of the thick bark of the tree, earning another strangled cry.
"What was your plan with my wife?" His voice is as sharp as the knife he held against the man's neck. "Rape her? Kill her? I'm afraid you left out the factor that she is married to the famous New Orleans serial killer. I can assure you that wasn't in your little plan." He laughs again, and my heart flutters at the word wife. I caress his cheek, twisting the knife deeper into his thigh. Blood weeps from the wound. He stares lovingly into my eyes as the man begs for his life, or begs for us to end his life, I can't tell. Alastor politely obliges, slicing the man's throat with ease. There is no arterial spray from the amount of blood loss from his thigh, and the wound merely cries its soft bloody tune. The man's throat gurgles for a moment, but then his tense muscles relax, and I feel elated. Alastor looks back at me, kissing my lips lightly with adoration and praise. My forearms are covered in my own blood, and it covers the sides of Alastor's face when I embrace him.
"How close is the nearest river that leads to the ocean?" I whisper in his ear, feeling him shiver underneath my grasp. He catches my drift, grabbing the body underneath his limp arms. The man's head lolls to the side when I pick up his legs. Alastor leads me to a gator infested marsh. We toss the body in, before making our way back to our home, black gloved hands in embrace with each other. 

Until next time my dearssss~
The next chapter will exclusively be on Archive😏

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