Chapter 7: Down The Line

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⚠️I'm gonna have to put a trigger warning on this one⚠️🫣
Alastor walked Y/N home that night with the intention of asking her to be his, but it seems she was ahead of him on that. They stand on the old, creaky wooden porch with nothing but a lamp's glow shining down upon them. He clears his throat, taking a deep breath right at she began to speak.
"Y/N-" they both spat at the same time before laughing at each other awkwardly.
"You go first, dear." Alastor took her hand in his own, his question could wait. Y/n anxiously looked down at her feet before a burst of courage shoots through her.
"Do you suppose we are in a relationship now? Or 'courting'? If you aren't ready then-" He cuts her off, practically jumping into her face and smashing his lips into hers in a very awkward first kiss. She sits stunned at first, but soon melts into the kiss. Shocks were sent throughout both of their body's as their lips fit together like puzzle pieces. Y/N wraps her arms around his slender neck, deepening their kiss. Alastor is the first to move away, the widest grin plastered on his face.
Their faces matched in hue as they go to hug each other.
"You have no clue how ecstatic  you've made me, Y/N. You are truly one of a kind, dear. I hope I make you feel a slight sliver of what you've made me feel."

A breeze ruffles my skirt and hair, causing a slight shiver of coolness and excitement to course through my veins. It's been 2 years since we decided to become a couple, on the dot. I had something magnificent planned for our anniversary, even though Alastor had plans for the weekend, and now, here I am, making my way through the woods. The canopy of trees shroud the fading light, making the newly orange leaves create a beautiful cast of light reflecting onto the beaten path. A small basket of gifts and small foods is secured safely around my small, but strong arms. The leaves and twigs crunch under my sister's nude colored flats, making me jump every time a snap reaches my ears. By the time I reach Alastor's it's nearly pitch black outside.
I hope he doesn't shoot me thinking I'm an intruder.
The beautiful older home I had seen and been in a couple times, and it would never cease to amaze me how ominous, but graceful the building is. A foul stench catches me off guard, making me halt. The smell of fresh blood and metal.
He probably went deer hunting again... Don't overthink it.
I slowly makes her way up the stairs, the smell only getting stronger.
I'm gonna be sick.
My shaky hand reaches up and knocks on the door, three loud echos follow.
The sounds of falling objects and a string of curses could be heard through the door. My lips press together in fear.
He couldn't be cheating, could he?
A very disheveled Alastor opens the door half way with his million dollar smile, but it falls as his eyes land on me.
"Y/N? What are you doing here this late at night? It's dangerous." His eyes scream concern, and anxiety. My eyes scan behind him, trying to catch a glimpse if someone else was in the home, but he angles the door to where I can't look in. My eyes drop to the ground, and my blood boils in my veins. I hadn't felt this type of anger in years.
"Oh. It was just our 2 Year anniversary and I wanted to surprise you. I'm sorry if I interrupted anything." I sourly spit at Alastor, throwing the basket down at his feet. Tears prick at the corners of my eyes, and si turn on my heel, heading back into the direction of town. The sounds of his footsteps coming towards me, along with him telling her to stop walking, catches me off guard. He grasps my arm roughly, pulling me to look back at him.
"Y/N, wait. I can explain. I..." His words die on his lips, a look of sheer panic is written on his face when his eyes reach mine. I could feel the heat and fury coming out of them.
"No need to explain, I understand. You're having an affair. It's really a damn shame, Alastor. I thought you were different from other men, but you're the same. You're all the same. I'm disappointed, but I can't say I'm surprised." Tears now freely flow from my eyes, smearing the lightly applied mascara. Alastor looks puzzled at my accusation, tilting his head to the side, but then bursts out laughing. I gawk at him with wide, shocked eyes, before pure, raw rage takes over them. Before I can register what I'm doing, I punches the giggling man in front of me with my whole force, sending him flying to the ground.
"I don't find this very funny, Alastor." My voice is venom, my eyes even shooting daggers into his. I lift my leg to kick him, and he shouts.
"Wait, wait, wait!" He screams, putting his hands up. "I'm not having an affair, Y/N. I could never do that to you, you're everything I could ever want or need from a woman." My anger immediately stops and something clicks in my brain. I fall to my knees and place my shaking hands over where I punched on Alastor.
"You're not? I-I thought... Are you okay? I didn't hit you too hard, did I? I'm sorry Alastor, I-" I'm promptly cut off by him placing a small kiss on my quivering lips. The taste of iron covered in toothpaste reaches my tongue.
"I'm fine, dear. No need to cry..." His slightly shaky fingers wipe my downpour of tears. I notice blood in his fingernails; my anxiety grows again.
"What were you doing? I heard cussing and a couple loud crashes when I knocked?" When my question registers to Alastor, he starts acting strange again. His eyes darting all around, looking everywhere but back at me. He stutters endlessly, which I had never seen, or heard him do, and honestly, it scares me half to death.
"M-My dear, I-I was j-just..." He stops, looking defeated. My anxiety grows more.
What could he have been doing to make him so nervous on telling me?
"Alastor? Are you okay? What's going on? Please just tell me the truth." My hands flinch from his when he reaches towards me. I am not stupid. I noticed the blood on his lips and fingernails. I noticed the putrid scent coming from his home. His eyes drop, and he bumps his head against my temple.
"I'm afraid I will lose you forever if I tell you..." His bloody breath hits me in the face, but I keep my head against his, to comfort herself and him. He's like a cornered animal, any sudden movements or signs of fear could set him off.
"Alastor, I think we're stuck together no matter what. There's nothing on earth you could do that could make me hate you, other than being unfaithful. Isn't that so strange, Alastor? You could push a knife through my chest, and I would still look at you with the same loving eyes as I do know." His eyes shoot up to mine in disbelief. At this point I have no idea what i'm saying.
"W...What if I was the..." He takes a deep breath, wrapping his arms around me, trapping me in place. The sticks crunch underneath his shifting weight, and I can't help the shiver that ran through my body when he did so.
"Would you still love me, even if I've killed before?" Silence fills the heavy air. My heartbeat hammers against my chest and my breathing began to quicken, and his arms wrap around me tighter, his face burris in the crook of my neck. He begins to shake, pulling me out of my trance, and not soon after does a single stream of tears runs down my shoulder blade.
He's crying. He is crying. Oh God he's being serious.
"Alastor... Are you the New Orleans serial killer?" My voice portrays no fear, but on the inside I am scared, but not scared of him...Scared for him.
"Yes... I am... But I don't want you to be afraid, as strange as that sounds. Killing has always been easy for me, but with you... I don't think I would be able to... even if you asked me... You do not know how much this scares me, Y/N. I've kept it secret for so long...I... I expect for you to turn me in. In fact, I probably deserve it." His confession reaches my ears, and I can't help but to hug Alastor back. I lose herself in insanity as my fingers rub soothing circles into his back.
"I'm not going to turn you in..." His back straightens and he looks into my eyes intently, scanning for a lie, and slumping back down into my embrace when he finds none. My voice continues against my will. "As crazy as this is going to sound, I don't think you would ever kill me. The Alastor I know would never hurt me. You may be a murderer, but that does not change anything in my eyes. I just think I finally got to see the real you, and that doesn't scare me. You said I'm the only person you've been able to show real, raw emotion to... You must've been so scared to show me this side of you." I continue to rub circles into his back, soothingly shushing his quiet sobs.
"Come on, Al. Let's get you back to the house?" I question, suddenly noticing the pure pitch blackness of the night. Realization hits me like tsunami. A small smile tugs on my lips as I put more weight against him. 
"Who knew I was the safest in town all along." I breathe out, touching his shoulder. His muscles stiffen under my fingers, before he laughs sourly.
"The night we met, I became infatuated with you, and as you were going home, these three jackasses started to follow you and your sister home. I caught word of what they planned to do to you two, so when they took a wrong turn into an alleyway... I would kill for you over, and over again, Y/N." He stops talking, letting my imagination take over. He's protected me all this time...
If he really wanted to hurt me, he would've done it when I connected the dots and figured out his secret. Alastor doesn't seem like a man that would go through all that trouble, just to get rid of me in the long run. No, I'm was going to stay with him.
I slowly stand, and Alastor stands with me, his head still lightly bowed in guilt. My cool fingers caress his flushed cheek as I guides him back to his home. He stops me from walking through the door.
"Wait. I don't want you to see." He looks away from me and takes a deep breath.
"Alastor, if you and I are going to be truly comfortable with each other, I need to help you clean. This whole situation is entirely my fault, so allow me to help you." I admit, forcing Alastor to meet my eyes to show my sincerity. He grimaces at me, but allows me entrance into his home. The smell of blood immediately fills my nose, and I have to push away the growing nausea at the sight before me. In his kitchen, lay a young man, probably in his 20's. His back to the small oak table, and the lifeless eyes looking towards the ceiling. The man's stomach is sliced open, showing his intestines. Parts of the disembodied man lay strewn in near piles.
He's a cannibal.
Alastor makes his way to the man, before pulling up the tarp into a makeshift bag. Smaller bags were pulled from underneath the sink, and he begins sorting the meat. Silence fills the heavy air once again, and my feet guide me to the record player in his living room. I rummage through the vinyl bins, before putting on my favorite tune and letting it fill heavy air. I take a deep breathe, putting on a brave face and waltzing into the kitchen, humming the song. I take one of the bloody bags and place it into the fridge, letting it crinkle and gurgle with my movement. I catch him watching me from the corner of his hey eye as he worked swiftly, removing the eyes and tongue of the man, before throwing them into the last bag and stuffing it into the fridge. I look at him with the same loving smile, and he can't help but to smile back. He admitted to me he had not gone this long without smiling in years. I place a hand on his shoulder, noticing a small amount of blood on my fingers.
"Where's your cleaning supplies?" Her voice breaks him out of his trance.
"My dear, allow me to clean. I wouldn't want to dirty your pretty hands in the blood of my own sin." She places a hand on his shoulder.
"Please, Alastor. I'm the reason you're in this mess in the first place... At least let me help. Plus, it's a little too late for that." I raise my hands with a small smirk, and his face flushes ever so slightly. He bumps his head against mine again.
"You are not the reason I kill, dear. None of this is your fault. I wish you never had to see this side of me." He lets out a deep sigh, pushing up his cheaters and rubbing his temple. I turn away from him, towards the sink, waving him off.
"It was inevitable. I was going to find out sooner or later, Al." The faucet turns on with a loud squeak, and I grabs a sponge, beginning to scrub my blood covered fingers. He does the same, before leaving the room, only to return with a bucket filled with cleaning supplies.
"Let's get to it, then!" We both say, small smiles etched on our faces.

Wellllllllllll. what a chapter. is it really a hazbin hotel fanfic if the reader isn't also a little insane? her dark secrets will be revealed soon enough~
Until next time little deer sluts🫶🏼🦌

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