Chapter 2: Infatuated

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I watch as the two girls stagger towards their home, both obviously wasted. They pass a group of greasy looking men, who look to each other, nod, and begin to follow the who dames, one being the stunning woman I met.
Y/N. My dear, Sweet Y/N. I will not let such vermin graze your perfect skin.
I trail behind the men, keeping enough distance to make sure they know they aren't being followed. They talk about what they will do to women. Anger bubbles up, making me unconsciously up my pace. Suddenly I am behind the three men, but they were oblivious to my presence. My smile widens when they take a wrong turn into an alleyway. Casting one last glance towards the two fading figures, I turn back to the three men, who will soon realize their mistake.
"Shit. I think this is the wrong way." One of them say, turning to look at his lackeys. His eyes cut towards me as he FINALLY notices they were followed.
"Who the hell are you?" His voice shakes in fear, making my wide smile wider, almost hurting my cheeks. I feel the crazed look crossing my features. The three men start to panic, but their leader lunges forward with a switchblade, attempting to gash me. I catch his wrist easily, taking the blade and throwing it at him. It hits his sweaty forehead with a loud "THWUNK" . Blood seeps from the wound satisfyingly, before the overweight bastard falls forward. Dead. Manic laughter dances from my tongue as the other two begin to panic. Yelling profanities at me and getting into fighting stances. I take my time with my prey, rolling up my sleeves, pushing up my cheaters, and putting on leather gloves from my back pocket. I do enjoy playing with my food. Their fear is addicting.
Almost as addicting as her. I think of your soft hair as I grasp the first man by his red hair, driving my knee into his nose. He shrieks in pain, staggering back. The other man tries to make a run for it, but I quickly grab him by his throat, tackling him to the ground. As he thrashes around, all I can think about is the blushed gaze of my dear Y/N. His muffled gasps starts to slow, and the thrashing begins to stop. The redhead comes behind me loudly, and I turn as he tries to stab me with the same switchblade their leader tried to gash me with.
"You'll pay for this." He says, lunging forward at me, and all I can do is laugh, grabbing the bloody blade with my hand. It cuts into the black glove, grazing my palm. Blood from his nose splashes into my cheek. My free hand comes up, grabbing the man by the neck, and with one swift move, flipping him to where I'm on top. He drops the knife giving me the opportunity to bash the back of his head into the pavement.
"Those women you were following happen to be very dear to me. Talking about them as though they're objects with your lackeys angered me very much." My voice drops an octave as the light dies from his eyes. I no longer feel the pulse under the skin of his neck. Grabbing the blade, I tuck it into my pocket, making sure to leave no evidence around. Thank goodness this alleyway is secluded. I decide to leave the men where they are, walking through the mazes of back ways and roads.
I refuse to eat the flesh of such disgraces.
I think of Y/N as I walk to my house in the middle of the woods. The old family building groans as I open the door. Immediately I make a b line for the bathroom, stripping my clothes and turning on the faucet. I catch a glance of myself in the cracked mirror. Scars from my childhood mock me.
Would she still love me if she saw the monster I see in the mirror everyday.
Sighing deeply, I step into the lukewarm fall of water. That night, all I can think of was the pretty same that infatuated my thoughts. I had never killed for another before. As much as I would like to watch the light die from her eyes, I would much much rather have the light for myself. She is mine.

Hello, little demons! I hope you enjoyed the second chapter to this book.
disclaimer: I do not own Alastor or any other characters i may use from Hazbin hotel.
Until the next time we meet, my dears!

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