Chapter 14: Changes Through the Ages

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⚠️Little bit of lemon in this chapter⚠️

~~~~~3rd person POV~~~~~
Y/N watched before her eyes as the eras fly past her, and she finds she adores some of the newer eras. Specifically the one they were in right now: The 80's. Y/N loved how women took charge and control, and they were treated as equals, almost. Some men still had the old time mindset, like the one she had her hands wrapped around right now. Her long spindly fingers squeeze as a ring of dark, purple-ish grey stains his skin, and his eyes bulge. She loved tearing demons who pushed others too far. This weasel looking vermin continued to pester a fox looking demon, and pulled a knife on her when she disregarded his advances. She hated men like this. Despised them. She often found herself in situations like this, and it always ended the same, them dead, and the women, children, and sometimes men always thanking her. It filled her with a sense of pride.

Her big, red eyes close when the man's head finally explodes, covering her in blood. She feels her demon form falter, and she looks over to the vixen. The fox sat on the ground a few feet away from the whole ordeal, shaking slightly. With a snap of her fingers, her blood ridden clothes were replaced with a new set, which was the same 80's style as she had grown accustomed to. Alastor kept his late 20's style clothing, but Y/N loved to try new things, and the baggy jeans and tied together sweaters had become her newest obsession. Her long, sleek, black hair falls over her shoulders as she bends down with a soft smile, putting her hand out for her to take. She looks up to Y/N with wide, bright blue eyes, and takes her hand, getting up.

"Are you alright dear? I can heal any injuries given to by that jackass." She also loved the way cuss words had become somewhat acceptable. Alastor always found her fiery spirit amusing, and often teased her for her newfound colorful language.
The vixen shrugged it off, her neck showing a string of red bruises. Y/N furrows her brows, reaching her hand out to touch them slightly, and the fox flinches from her touch at first, but then begins to wag her pristine white tail slightly and purr at the feel of her warm static. Y/N had to heal Alastor once, and he told her it was the most comforting feeling he had ever felt, and might just have to get hurt again just to feel her healing powers once more. Y/N smiles openly at her reaction, and the bruises were healed in no time. The puddle of blood now reaches their shoes, but they pay no mind.

"Thank you, Viper. I'll forever be in debt to you." She bows her head slightly, The Viper shakes her head.
"Y/N is fine, dear, and consider your 'debt' repaid. I'm just happy to help." The vixen's eyes widen as Y/N walks away, a skip in her step. 

A frown tugs on my lips as I walk through the streets, static crackles in my ears at my emotions, and not a moment later, Alastor manifests in front of me, and I face plant into his chest. I shirk back, rubbing my nose with a small smile.

"Ow. A warning would've been nice, Al." I nudge his shoulder, his smile as wide as ever, but his eyes seemingly screaming concern.
"I heard the crackle. I wanted to make sure you're alright, my little viperess." He says with a reassuring genuine smile. I scoff and roll my eyes, walking past him with a swing in my hips. He follows me like a lovestruck puppy and quickly catches up to me.
"You know you love that name deep down. I think it has a nice ring to it myself. Although, I do wish they had picked a better name for me. The Radio Demon is so drab, wouldn't you agree?" He closes his eyes and raises his chin, walking with such confidence. I match his confident strides, letting a similar smile grace my features.

"You love it, too. You don't seem to mind when I moan that out during sex." I reply smugly, watching him from the corner of my eye. He stops, and a microphone dropping could be heard. His dark grey blush spreads evenly across his features. I stifle a snicker, and continue to walk. Eventually, he catches up, grasping my wrists and swinging me around to dance with him.

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