Chapter 13: Hell's Dangerous Duo

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As Alastor and I paint the now barren streets red, I take notice to my supernatural abilities. When I grasp someone out of malice with my long, needle like claws, their skin turns grey, and they die within minutes, but when I touch my beloved, it does not effect him. I can move unthinkably fast, moving from one side of the city to the other in mere seconds. Alastor seems to teleport with me, taking sinners apart within seconds of me being in a certain part of town. Like he knows exactly where I am at all times. We notice both of our voices are filtered with static, and can be broadcasted to all of hell.
Just like old times.
It had been hours since we started our spree, and a fancy golden car pulls up in front of us as we walk through the ghost town, our humming stopping when we hear the gears shift. Alastor quirks a brow and glances at me, but his smile stays ever-present, making him look quite devilish. I do not match smiles with him, in fact, I have not had the chance to look at my changes. Alastor's appearance has altered so much, that I can not even guess how I appear. My black pants cling to me from being drenched in blood, and Alastor looks the same, his skin tinted with now browning blood. A tall man gets out of the car, and walks to open the doors for us without a word. We look towards each other with skepticism, before shrugging and getting into the vehicle. We stain plush red leathered seats with the filth of the dead sinners. Two cocktails sit on a black and red marbled tray, our names written on cards below them in simple cursive. Alastor gladly takes his, throwing it back quickly, making me wince. I gently take mine, swirling the bourbon in the cup before sipping on it.
"Alastor, you worry me, dear. What if that had been laced with poison?" I say with a smirk, and he chuckles at me, the static faltering slightly.
"I doubt anyone would try with you by my side, doll." He drops the filter at the word 'doll', and gently takes my hand with a sinister smile.
During the ride, I have the time to take in his appearance. His red pinstriped suit is torn and weathered at the ends, but flares out, making his already tiny waist more accentuated. Two protruding deer like ears stick straight up, and twitch and flick every once in a while, making me smile. A staff sits beside him, glowing slightly red, like his eyes. He hums along to the tune, filtering through the radio. I bask in his voice; it was beautiful before, but now... It's like the old days, where I would daydream to his voice singing to his 'secret admirer' through the radio. I wonder if anyone found the journal. I hope Josie is doing well... My smile drops at the thought of my sister, and the air immediately feels thicker, making Alastor's posture stiffen, the radio going silent.
"Something worrying you, Y/N?" He asks, completely dropping the filter for the first time. I give him a small, tight smile, tightening my grip.
"Just thinking about my sister... I hope she's okay. She saw you as family, you know? She'll be devastated from both of our deaths. She's an angel, so I doubt I'll ever see her again..." The static in my voice drops as well, my head bowing to look at my long, ghostly fingers. He forces me to look at him, his smile the softest and most genuine I have seen it. Reality must be hitting him too, because he sighs.
"I must confess, I'll miss that little dame. She was like a big sister to me, but I have to admit, this is very entertaining, is it not?" His smile widens and the filter comes back full force, crackling and popping as he glares at the window up front. My eyes snap towards the driver who coughs and quickly averts his gaze. I catch onto what he's thinking and smirk widely. Alastor clicks his staff against his fingers and a shadow emerges. It looks strangely of Alastor, but with a more wicked grin. My eyes widen, and so does my smile as I watch the creature claw it's way towards the front of the vehicle. Silence fills the car for a moment, before the sinner yelps, making the car swerve. Alastor and I snicker, and he clicks his staff again, sending two more smaller shadows up to the front. We continue to hum to the tune playing on the radio with wide smiles.
The car comes to a sudden stop, and we cast our eyes up to look at the looming castle in the distance, a black picket fence obstructing our view slightly. It groans as it slowly opens, and the driver continues to shakily drive through, his forehead now visibly sweaty. When we stop, the driver doesn't move, so we let ourselves out, Alastor holding the door for me, while clicking his staff once again to call the shadows. They crawl out, the main one phasing through the man, making him shiver. His smile widens even more, broadcasting his glowing, yellow teeth. I stifle a snicker. We walk to the front, where another demon sits, looking at us in awe.
"The Radio Demon and... Viper..." His eyes are glossy, and his starstruck expression makes us look to each other in confusion. I speak up, furrowing my brows at him.
"Pardon? The Radio demon and Viper? No, no. I think your confused I'm Y/N, and this." I motion towards my grinning husband, "is Alastor." I say, and his starstruck expression grows. He drops to his knees, looking up at us while exclaiming.
"Oh, I know who you two are. You're the two fastest growing Overlords of hell! Lucifer himself wants to meet with you both! That's why you're here!" My head shoots to look at Alastor, and I find him already looking at me with an unreadable smile. The quivering man beneath us gets up, composing himself and opening the door for us. He still shakes in slight excitement, but does his duties as he delivers us to a tall throne room decorated in red, black, and gold. In the middle, sits two thrones, A pale man with a wide grin and red and white suit sits atop one throne, while the other remains empty. Two pink, dots of blush sits atop his face, making him look somewhat innocent, but his devilish eyes ruins that whole persona of 'kindness'. A golden crown sits atop golden hair. His British accent cuts through the room, and Lucifer stands, raising his arms as he walk down to us.
"Ah, Alastor, Y/N! I must thank you for not killing my driver or any of my staff!~ Why, I haven't seen bloodlust like that since I was a young Devil! I must say, it's quite impressive!~" His cheery voice takes me back, and Alastor stiffens, beside me, the static growing. His reaction confuses me, but Lucifer chuckles at his reaction. Waving a dismissive hand in front of us.
"No need to be uptight. I'm impressed by your powers, and both of your track records from work. I'm merely a fan." He closes his eyes, dropping the hand. I smile at him, bowing slightly.
"Pleasure to meet you, King Lucifer. Thank you for your hospitality." I raise from my bow, and lucifer chuckles again, while Al remains quiet, but the static stops.
"Lucifer is fine, both of you. Come, sit." He snaps his fingers, and suddenly we were in an office, sitting in plush, red leather chairs. My eyes widen, and Alastor sits back, impressed with Lucifer's abilities. Lucifer sits behind a desk, propping his feet on the dark stained wood.
"I know the sinners have already nicknamed you two lovers. I have to say The Radio Demon and Viper have a nice ring to them. At first glance, I was confused, but I couldn't forget my favorite deal I've ever made." He chuckles, and Alastor joins in this time.
"I do say! I was worried I struck a nerve with you when I made that deal, but I see now; you merely wanted a new form of entertainment yourself." Alastor smirks as he straightens, putting his hand out for Lucifer to take, and he does with a wide grin. I watch the whole ordeal go down, not saying a word. Finally after a moment of silence, Lucifer turns towards me.
"I would not have guessed you shared Alastor's hobbies, but it was quite entertaining seeing you play dumb with those men, only to end their sorry lives. Your powers are very unique indeed. I've never seen such. We don't have very many female overlords, but it's always a pleasure when we get them." He takes my hand this time, shaking it harshly, but his words make me grin. A snake in the grass, Alastor used to call me. He lets go of my hand, before standing, looking at his watch. We both stand as well, showing politeness and respect.
"If you two ever need anything, feel free to visit! I have another meeting soon, so I will send you both back into town." We nod and express our gratefulness for his compassion before we hear a snap. Suddenly, we were on the streets again, not too far from his palace.
"That was..." I stop, feeling at a loss for words.
"Entertaining" Alastor finishes for me, leading me towards the heart of the town, we nod to each other, grabbing the two closest sinners and ripping them to shreds, our demon forms coming back. I notice Alastor's antlers growing, and his eyes turning into radio dials. My long needle fingers click when I move them. I feel my senses heighten as I feel for sinners hiding on the street. I run quickly, Alastor surely on my tail to a small gathering filled with greasy men. Alastor's chuckle reaches my ears, and my manic smile widens again.
"Seems like someone didn't get the memo." Alastor states, his antlers growing even larger, his staff glowing dangerously bright. I feel my own demon form growing, as a chuckle comes out of my mouth.
"Just like old times, right, dear?" I sing out, bearing my elongated fangs. His laughter grows, popping with static. The men tremble in a corner, unsure what to do. Alastor and I move in sync, grabbing the two closest men, my claws rip into a wolf demon's neck, making his eyes turn blue and bulge out of their sockets. With a little more pressure, I make his eyes pop, blood squirting into my face. Classy jazz music fills the scene as Alastor and I almost dance, all the while tearing the damned souls apart limb by limb. Alastor guzzles down a severed hand thrown by me, and strange symbols begin to glow around him, but I recognize them as his voodoo magic. We grasp each other's blood soaked hands, spinning each other to the tune and screams. Our smiles match as we finish the last off together, his blood choking him with a strangled gurgle. We slowly turn back to our regular forms, smiling at each other with love and adoration.
"I love you, dear.~" He coos at me, kissing me with bloody lips. I hum at the taste, but kiss him back.
"I love you more.~ This was spectacular! We should do it again some time." I flirt, licking the blood off my lips and fingers. His smile grows, and a dark grey blush creeps onto his cheeks. He holds his arm for me to take, and I bow my head in politeness, taking his arm in my own. We waltz through the street, snickering and laughing when sinners run from us, but we wouldn't have it any other way.

I'm backkkkkkkk~
i hope you all enjoy this chapter!
until next time my deerssss~~~~~!

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