Maybe one day... (Hinny)

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When the fake Galleon in Ginny's pocket suddenly turned very warm, Ginny knew there would be a new meeting of the DA very soon.

She took the golden coin in her hand and looked at the side of the it. She had been right, this afternoon the DA would meet again, it told her.

Ginny already couldn't wait for it. She loved the meetings, it was fun and she learned a lot more from Harry than that stupid Umbridge.

But there was one thing about it Ginny really didn't like.

Cho Chang and her friend Marietta Edgecombe.

They were always whispering with each other and Marietta seemed to be a very silly girl. The 2 friends were 2 years above Ginny, but she had the impression she was smarter than both the girls combined.

No that Ginny was such a clever girl, but the 2 Ravenclaws were always giggling and when they had to perform a spell during the DA meetings they always messed up.

And Harry even seemed to like Cho!

Ginny would never give in on it if someone would ask her, but she was quite jealous of that. She had liked Harry even since that one day at King's Cross Station, except Ginny was sure he would say he was like a sister to him if she would ask him about it.

But the way Harry looked at Cho... Ginny wished he would look at her like that.

But Ginny knew he would never do. Even though it was still fun to daydream about...

Maybe one day...

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