The Welcoming

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Jack stood straight as he watched the couple approach them. The smartly dressed man reached a hand to Carlos, getting chocolate on it. "Is that chocolate?" Ben asked as he licked his fingers. He reached his hand to Jay, who punched him in the shoulder playfully. "Okay, great. Ow..." Evie was shy, she courtesies and said "Hello." It was Mal's turn, Ben shook her hand, and she wouldn't let go once she met his eyes. Audrey pretended to smile and pulled Ben away from her. Mal looked hurt, as she was just getting to know Ben, after he stared into her eyes. But she scoffed and shrugged. Lastly, Ben finally met Jack. "Are you, Jack Sparrow Junior?" He asked. Jack nodded and responded courteously, "I am." Audrey was quick to comment, "Oh yeah! Jack Sparrow! Your dad's the Captain of the Black Pearl isn't he? I heard he's quite the heartbreaker and a rule-breaker in the Caribbean, hope you're not the same way!" She laughed pretentiously. Ben chuckled nervously, he was afraid that Audrey hurt Jack's feelings or made him mad. Mal and the Vks looked at Jack, expecting him to respond harshly, but he didn't. Instead, he held his composure. His eyes cast to the side before he focused on Audrey and Ben. "I can assure you, I won't cause you any trouble here." Ben stammered, "Uhh, well, we're really glad to have all of you here. I'll show you around, and uh, Doug will show you to your dorms." Jack nodded, and watched the VKs follow Ben and Audrey. Evie was the last to follow them, but she stopped and noticed Jack hadn't followed them. "Are you coming?" She asked him, with a sympathetic look in her eyes. She felt sorry for him, after Audrey had insulted him, and before that Mal. Jack regained his focus and locked eye contact with the girl. "Yeah, I'm coming. I just need a minute." Evie wanted to offer her hand to Jack, so he could hold it and follow her to catch up with the others, but she responded sadly with, "Oh, okay..." and walked away. Jack pulled out his father's compass, that was given to him just before he was sent to the isle. He knew his dad would want it back at some point, but it was in safe hands. After all, he is the son of the most notorious pirate. He opened the compass, and the needle slowly spun towards Evie's direction. Now, he wasn't sure what he wanted exactly, but he knew one thing: wherever the vks go, that's where he wanted to be. He closed the compass and followed them quickly to the dorms, he ended up in a single room dorm across from Jay and Carlos'.

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