The final plan

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Mal and Evie were looking over the map, before she spoke up and explained what the new plan was to her and the boys. "Okay, so we all know what this looks like. So, we'll be up on the dais under the beast's spell jar. And we'll be coming in from here." She pointed to a section of an aisle on the chapel's map. "I will be in the front. You all will be up in the balcony." Evie nodded before she whispered, "Okay." Mal looked at Carlos, wanting to make sure he was clear, "Carlos?" He pointed at the outside street on the map, "Okay, so I'll find our limo so we can break the barrier and get back on the island with the wand." Mal nodded, "Perfect. Evie?" Evie looked up, "Yeah?" Mal handed her a perfume bottle with a hose and a pump. "You will use this to take out the driver. Two sprays and he will be out like a light." Evie nodded as she took the bottle. "Okay." But then, she started to think about Jack. "Mal." She looked up, "Evie?" She noticed her friend had a very sad look in her eyes while holding the perfume bottle. "What about Jack? Shouldn't we tell him?" Mal paused for a bit, "You can tell him. I...have something else to take care of. I don't feel like going over the plan again with him." She sighed and sat down, looking over two pages of her spell book. Evie looked at the book and realized what she was doing. "M." Mal looked up. "You want to break Ben's love spell?" She asked while looking confused. "Yeah, you know, for after." Evie sat down as she started to explain her thoughts, "I don't..." mal started to explain, "I just been thinking, you know, when the villains finally do invade Auradon, and begin to loot, and kick everyone out of their castles, and imprison their leaders and destroy all that is good and beautiful, Ben still being in love with me just seems a little extra, cruel..." she closed her spell book and got up immediately, running off to the kitchen to start it. "M?" Evie asked as she left. She let out a soft sigh. That night, all of the vks stayed up late. Jay sat on his bed, looking at his trophy from the Tourney game. Carlos tossed to the other side, petting Dude and gently lifting the hood on his little jacket. Evie pulled out her test that Doug helped her study for, then she put it down and sat up with her back against the pillows. She started to think about Jack, more and more, worried about what was going to happen. She was also really sad, wondering if they would still be together when they help the villains take over Auradon, or whether or not Jack would leave her and go down his own path, as Mal said he would do, probably. She sniffled and started to tear up, before she started to sob, wetting her eyes with her tears. Meanwhile, Mal was in the kitchen, making brownies as she read over the spell-breaking potion again. She sang softly to herself, unsure of whether or not this was the right thing to do. It was right then and there, that she felt something deep for Ben, a sense of caring, and loving almost. A single tear left her eye as she sang, "If Only." To herself. As she closed the book, Mal started to sob quietly.

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