Family day disaster

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It was Family Day in Auradon, Ben had to go with the Auradon Prep Band and Music choir to welcome the guests, with a song called "Be our Guest", in a sort of hip, modernised rap version. Since Doug was in Marching band, he had volunteered to join and be a part of this special activity, along with Audrey, who merely joined out of pettiness, and Ariana, the redhead girl who was the youngest daughter of Ariel and Prince Eric, who looked very much like her mother. She had a crush on Doug, and would use every opportunity she had to join him in a school activity or a special event. They went on a date together recently, and they both really liked each other. Needless to say, once they all finished singing, the other students, parents and family members in attendance let out a big cheer. Carlos and Jay were indulging in the chocolate fountain, while Evie was holding onto Dude, Carlos' dog. Ben and his parents posed for a picture, but he dropped his shoulders. "Oh, by the way! I have a new girlfriend!" He told them excitedly. "I never wanted to say anything, but I always thought that Audrey was self absorbed. Fake smile, and a bit of a kiss up." Belle sighed. "Is it someone we know?" Ben's father asked, Ben made a gesture and called her over. "Mal! Come here!" Ben called out to her, as Evie pointed over to them, and she ran right over. His parents gasped as soon as they heard her name. Ben came up to her, "Mal, Mal. I wanna introduce you to my parents." "Hey." She whispered as she hugged him and smiled. She turned around and held onto his arm as he spoke. "This is Mal. From the island. My girlfriend." Belle looked nervous for a minute, but held her composure and politely said "Hi. to Mal, who said, "Hi." back. Ben's father waved at her, "I was thinking maybe she could join us for lunch." Ben said. Reluctantly his father replied with, "Of course, any friend of Ben's..." "Um, I actually came with my friends." Mal cut in, and Belle politely said, "Well, you should invite them." Jay and Carlos were still indulging in the chocolate fountain, and Evie smiled as she waved to them while holding onto Dude.

"Because the more the merrier!" Said Belle

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"Because the more the merrier!" Said Belle. "Yeah, I'll go grab them." Mal replied as she was about to turn around and walk away. "How about a game of croquet before lunch?" His father asked them. "Of course." Mal said with a smile, "Game on!" Ben called excitedly as he gave his father a fist bump. "Game on." He replied. Ben and Mal turned away from them, close to each other. "Have you played before?" He asked her. "No." She replied. "No? You will." He calmly reassured his girlfriend. Belle was about to faint out of shock, but Beast caught her and supported her back. Meanwhile, Jack was looking around at the tables of food and dessert, eyeing them carefully. He noticed a strawberry shortcake, covered in icing and garnished with the fruit. He took his fingers and plucked a strawberry off of the middle of the cake, before eating it. Then, he licked the icing from his finger, and went to go find Evie.

 Then, he licked the icing from his finger, and went to go find Evie

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