Practice with Ben

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The next day, while the VKS attended Fairy Godmother's goodness class, Ben took Jack to the Auradon Fencing room near the gym. Ben was giving Jack lessons on how to compete in fencing, but he knew that Jack already had the skills, since he was a pirate. Jack had learned a majority of sword fighting from his dad, and felt that he really had nothing more to learn. Jack and Ben bowed to each other, and saluted before holding up each of their foils. "Ready?" Ben asked. "Ready." said Jack. "En garde!" Ben called, as both He and Jack readied themselves with the "En Garde pose." It soon began, "Lutte!" Ben called out, which meant "Fight!" in French. Jack made his first move, advancing towards Ben, with his cuts and strokes. Ben repelled each one, blocking his attacks. Jack had an impressive form and was quick on his feet, but Ben wasn't too sure that he could handle "fighting fairly" in a competition. Jack got faster and faster with each step, swing and cut. Ben dodged nearly every one, "Whoa, whoa! Jack!" Ben called, but Jack wouldn't listen. He swung his blade at a padded pillar, missing Ben as he tumbled out of the way. Ben continued to roll and dodge the attacks, before holding up his blade to stop Jack's from cutting his jacket. Pretty soon, they were high up on some levelled gym mats, continuing to fight and parry.

Ben used every amount of strength and muscle he had to defend himself, he realised he was no match for the young pirate

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Ben used every amount of strength and muscle he had to defend himself, he realised he was no match for the young pirate. He knew he had to stop Jack sooner or later. When their blades enveloped each other, Ben cast Jack's sword out of his hand, and held the tip of his foil to Jack's chest. "You need to stop!" He called out, before breathing heavily. Jack raised up his hands slowly, as Ben took off his mask. "You have great skills, quick advancements and excellent speed, but you can't turn this into a life-and-death situation!" He cried out, as he lowered his blade, and Jack removed his helmet suddenly. He exhaled softly in defeat and a little bit of annoyance. "Look, I'm willing to teach and practice with you, but you need to learn how to fight fairly. This isn't the Isle, Jack. If you're not careful, you're gonna hurt someone!" He scolded. Jack said nothing at first, and then mumbled, "I'm sorry." Ben exhaled and held out a hand to Jack. "It's alright, just, take it easy when we do this. I'm looking out for your safety as well as my own, okay?" Jack nodded, and shook his hand. They climbed down from the mats together, and started taking down the equipment. Jack helped put the mats away and reset the training room. "Come on!" Ben said. "I gotta get ready, have to rehearse for the welcoming on family day this Sunday. You have any more classes?" Jack shook his head, "No." was all he had to say. "Oh, um, enjoy the rest of your day then." He said as he grabbed his jacket. "Thanks." Jack replied.

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