Love at the field

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At the tourney field, everyone was really excited. Jack was standing next to Evie, who was next to Mal. They cheered as the boys played against their opponents. "Alright!" Jack yelled as he clapped his hands. Evie bounced excitedly and bumped into Jack by mistake, she looked up at him a little nervously, "Oh, sorry.." she said. Jack just smiled at her and and said "No worries." As the boys play, the crowd gets more and more excited. Jack chewed his gum and watched carefully with furrowed brows. Jay, Carlos and Ben worked together to fend off the opposing team and outmaneuver the foam missiles. When Ben makes the final goal everyone screams and cheers. Mal covered her ears as Evie screamed happily and then she turned to Jack, hugging him tightly. Jack was taken aback from her excitement and hugging him quickly, but he smiled and hugged her back. She wouldn't let go of him, until they heard Ben make an announcement after he grabbed the microphone. "Give me an M!" Ben shouted as the crowd replied "M!" He started again. "Give me an A!" "A!" They replied! "Give me an L!" "L!" And he asked them, "What does that spell?" "MAL!" They replied and cheered. Audrey gasped in shock, putting her hands on her hips. Ben then started to sing a song for Mal called, "Did I mention." Mal was taken aback by this, but at the same time she couldn't stop smiling, and she almost never smiled. Jay and Carlos were dancing along with the tourney team and the cheerleaders, except for Audrey who stomped her foot and turned away, disgusted. Jack actually found the song pretty catchy, and was bobbing his head along to it. While singing, he threw his shirt to the crowd and Mal caught it. Then Ben came up to Mal, "I love you, Mal! Did I mention?"

 Then Ben came up to Mal, "I love you, Mal! Did I mention?"

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He announced as the crowd cheered and clapped. She gave a pretend smile, stopping him as he tried to kiss her, and then hugged him to make herself look convincing. Audrey pulled Chad by the hand. "Chad is my boyfriend now! And I'm going to coronation with him! So I don't need your pity date!" She kissed Chad before Ben asked as he yelled out on the microphone, "Mal! Will you go to the coronation with me?" Mal took no hesitation before shouting "Yes!" in reply. Evie stood there, with her hands on her hips, tapping her foot as the crowd cheered once more. "I feel really sorry for Audrey.." she said. "You do?" Evie asked. "Yeah." Mal nodded as she cocked her head slightly, "I feel like if she were talented like you and, she knew how to sew and knew beauty tips, then she wouldn't need a prince to make her feel better about herself." Evie giggled and smiled. "I guess I am kind of talented." Mal nodded. "You are definitely gifted." Evie closed her eyes for a moment before looking at her best friend, "Thanks, M." The boys cheered and held up Jay as he was holding up a trophy, being called "the most valuable player" by the announcer. Mal cheered and Evie screamed happily as she bounced and clapped. Jack smiled and clapped for his friend. When the game was over, he said goodbye to Evie, and went to get ready for his date with her for that evening.

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