Getting the Truth out

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While Mal was wooing Ben and trying to get him to eat a chocolate chip cookie, with the love spell in it, Evie had just finished setting up her pie stand, offering free apple pies to anyone in Auradon. But of course, since she was the daughter of the Evil Queen, all of the auradonian kids and their parents stayed far away from her, walking by her stand without even saying "Hello" or "Good Afternoon." It made Evie sad, that she couldn't make a difference, or show everyone that she was not as evil as she seemed. She sighed softly to herself, sitting there for at least an hour. It was free period, so the hour didn't last long. She took down the pie stand, and put them away. Within moments the bell rang, and she went to her next class. Later on, she would have a lunch period, she took her tray of food and sat down away from the auradonian kids. She knew that she wouldn't be a threat to them, but preferred to keep to herself. She sighed as she looked into her mirror, checking her makeup. She then thought about Jack for a moment, missing his handsome looks, his charming personality, his deep brown eyes, and his gorgeous smile. And right as she closed the mirror, he appeared suddenly, and she almost jumped. "Can I sit here?" He asked. Evie was in shock for a moment, she didn't expect to see Jack here. It had been a few days. She nodded yes, and he sat down. He had a tray of food with him, and started eating. Evie smiled, as she was happy to see him. Jack was concentrated on his food though, unaware that Evie was watching and smiling at him. He looked up at her briefly and wiped his lips with a napkin. Evie realised this was her chance. "Oh, I have something for you." She said calmly as she took out her bag, and slowly opened it. She had a wrapped up apple pie from earlier today. This was the one that had one piece dosed with a truth potion that Mal had provided. It was pre-cut, and she took out a plate. Jack held up his fork, with a semi skeptical expression. He was wondering if this was a trick to make him eat a poisoned piece of pie, or not.

She put the piece on a plate and then handed it to him

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She put the piece on a plate and then handed it to him. "I hope you like it, it's apple pie. I made it myself." She said with a smile on her luscious red lips. Jack was about to dig his fork into it and take a bite, but Chad was close by, laughing and playing with his jock friends from the tourney team. "Ooh, apple pie! I'll take that!" He snatched it up from the table. "Chad, no!" Evie cried out, as the brainless son of Cinderella scarfed it down. "Mmm, really good." He said as he licked the plate, and put it back down. Then all of a sudden, it happened. Chad started to speak the truth, and every word of the truth, as intended by the potion. "I sometimes sleep with my blue blankey when I'm scared. I always call for mommy to come pick me up. I always wear underwear with crowns to make myself feel more confident." He gasped and covered his mouth. All of the kids started laughing at him, even Jack, who found this to be most amusing. Evie was so embarrassed. She covered her face with her hands in defeat and groaned. "Ohh..." Another word of truth came out of Chad's mouth. "I ask the servants to read me bedtime stories because I'm too lazy to pick up a book." And the kids laughed even more. Chad kept his mouth covered and ran out of the lunch hall. Evie felt like her chances of getting to know Jack and whether or not he liked her were ruined. She took the apple pie back and put it in her bag. She slowly got up and walked away from the table. Jack finally noticed Evie was leaving, and decided to get up and go after her. She had just left the lunchroom when he reached the doors. "Evie, wait!" He called, and she slowly turned around to face him. "Jack, I'm sorry. That was meant for you but, I couldn't do that to you. And now I made a fool of myself." She said before preparing to walk away, but Jack stopped her. "No, it's okay." He said calmly. She looked up at him with her blue shaded brown eyes, locking onto his beautiful brown eyes. Yes, they were beautiful. She loved them, and everything about him she loved. "Let me try a piece of that pie." He said, as he gently put a hand on her arm. Evie almost went bright red from him touching her, his touch was soft and gentle, and he was very kindhearted. She cleared her throat and remained headstrong. She then noticed he was about to open her bag, without her permission no less, and so she stopped him by placing her hand on top of his, and whispered, "Not here. Let's go somewhere else."
Later they found a table in a designated picnic area away from the school. They sat side by side, Evie couldn't help but stare into his eyes, as a soft smile formed onto her lips.

Jack took a moment to look into her beautiful brown eyes, before casting his eyes down shyly

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Jack took a moment to look into her beautiful brown eyes, before casting his eyes down shyly. She then realised he wanted to try the pie, and set it up for him on a plate. "Here." She said as she handed it to him. Jack took a napkin and a fork, before picking at piece of the pie, he tasted it and savoured it. "Evie, this is delicious. I had no idea you could make such an amazing pie." He said after he licked his upper lip, and wiped his lips politely with a napkin. Evie blushed and said, "Well, it's all part of my talent. Cooking, cleaning, sewing and baking." Jack continued to eat his piece of apple pie, once he was done he put the plate down. "I would love to try more of your famous dishes." He replied. "However, I should tell you something." Evie's head perked up, and waited for him to continue. " I like you." Evie almost froze when he said this. "You like me?" She asked as she blinked her pretty eyes. "We'll, there's something about you that draws me towards you, I'm not sure what it is. But what I do know, is that you're the type of girl that I'd want to be with." Evie couldn't speak, she was overcome with warm feelings and euphoria. But to maintain her cool, she decided to be more headstrong. She cleared her throat and flipped her hair. "Well thank you." Was all she had to say at the moment. Then, Jack asked her a question that she'd never thought she would ever hear from him. "Evie, I'd like to take you out to dinner, if you'd care to join me." Evie almost felt herself get thrown for a loop. She gave him a light, flirtatious look, "Are you asking me out on a date, Jack?" She asked him, while resting a hand on his shoulder, before running it down his bicep. She felt his muscles briefly as he continued to talk, "If you're interested." He replied. She smirked at him with her luscious red lips again, before putting her other hand on his other shoulder, rubbing them briefly for a moment. "Very interested." She said.

Evie and Jack: A Descendants Love Story.Where stories live. Discover now