After Class

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Once the bell rang, Jack made his way to the field. He changed out of the preppy clothes he was asked to wear, as they didn't feel comfortable on him. Jack got out some spare clothes, his sunglasses, and a hat. "Ah, much better", he sighed. He also sprayed on some deodorant. He brushed his hair to the side before putting his hat back on. Evie walked with her bag on her shoulder, as she made her way to the spot on the field that Jack had mentioned. She looked at the note from him that she had kissed with her luscious red lips. She sighed and held it close to her heart. Evie never felt so good, her heart was beating and her stomach was full of butterflies. But she was also nervous because she couldn't understand fully why Jack asked her to meet him all the way out here on the field. Doug had spent at least 5 to 10 minutes calming her down, telling her not to worry and that hopefully it would be a good thing. She found the spot on the field and waited patiently. Suddenly Jack appeared, wearing his new clothes, sunglasses and a hat.

'Oh my gosh! He's so handsome!' She thought as she got a glimpse of his face, with his hair swept aside by his hat, and his clothes that he changed into

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'Oh my gosh! He's so handsome!' She thought as she got a glimpse of his face, with his hair swept aside by his hat, and his clothes that he changed into. "Hello Evie." He said calmly and kindly. Evie cast her eyes down for a moment before looking up at him. "Hello." Was all she had to say. There was a bit of awkward silence between them, until Jack spoke up. "Right. Well, I noticed you are very talented, smart, and gifted if I may say so." He said to her in a sweet voice. Evie felt a blush coming on, but made herself headstrong, before she loosened up a bit. "Thank you. I just do what I do best, with chemistry and stuff." She said in an equally sweet tone, but all of a sudden, she felt like he was losing interest in her. "I'm not that smart!" She said suddenly. "Well, not as smart as you. Your dad, Jack Sparrow, the cleverest man in all of the world. And your mom, Angelica. She knows so many disguises." She said as she smiled and looked into his brown eyes, they were dreamy to her. Jack nodded and shrugged his shoulders, "Well, yeah. I don't know much about chemistry, I thought maybe you could help me with that." He responded. Evie thought it would be better to get his attention without homework and studying. "Oh, I'm no good at chemistry. But, I'm really good at sewing, cooking and cleaning. You know, the usual girl stuff." Jack listened and said, "Right." She then pulled out her magic mirror. "Remember this from last night? I used it to help me find the answers." She held it up for him to see, and he examined it carefully. "Interesting." He said as he handed it back to her. She looked down at the mirror and back up at him. Jack was deep in thought at the moment, only turning his head slightly. He noticed Evie had her eyes closed, and her lips puckered for a kiss. But then she opened her eyes and turned her lips back to normal. She looked at him, feeling awkward for a moment. Jack groaned and picked up his bag. "I-uh. I gotta go. Sorry." He put his hat back on and left. Evie stood there confused, and a little hurt. She thought he wanted to kiss her under the bleachers. Jack cursed at himself as he walked away, as he strongly felt he should've made his move. Evie pouted her lips again, and sighed. All of a sudden, Doug made his way down way under the bleachers. " I think I know what's going on..." He said. "Are you stalking me?" Evie snapped at him fiercely, and he shrugged. "Technically, yes. But at least I didn't come in at the wrong time. Like I said, I know exactly what's going on here." Evie scoffed and rolled her eyes. "And what is going on here?" She asked in a semi frustrated tone. Doug held his hands up, trying to calm her down. "Isn't it obvious?" He asked, and she mouthed, "No." Doug threw his head up before speaking up. "He likes you!" Evie gasped softly, "Like, likes me, likes me?" She asked. "Of course!" Doug said, and then he explained. "When a guy likes a girl, he's sweet and shy. The first time he tries to make a move, he gets scared and backs out. The second time, he gets more bold." He continued to explain. "In this case, you were ready to kiss him, he just wasn't ready." Evie smiled a bit, but then she frowned and felt sad. "Don't worry." He said with a reassuring look. "The right time will come, whether you make the first move or not, it'll all work out." Evie gave Doug a smile. "Thanks." Then she waved at him with her fingers, before slowly walking away.

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