Chemistry in class

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After their goodness lesson, the vks left Fairy Godmother's home room and went their separate ways for classes. Evie took her seat next to Doug, the son of Dopey from the seven dwarves. He was a kind  student, and often listened to people talk about their problems or their feelings. He then noticed her looking forwards, fawning like she was in love. Doug was confused, but then realized she was staring at a boy. A boy who, in her eyes was the most attractive one she had ever seen. Chad was directly in front of them. He looked back at the chalkboard, and then turned to look at Evie.

He pointed at himself, thinking that Evie was staring at him

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He pointed at himself, thinking that Evie was staring at him. But she turned her head slightly, watching Jack as he doodled on a piece of paper, markings of a map that he remembered, when his father showed him a copy of the Mao Kun map, that he used during the events of the war between the East India Trading Company and Pirates, as well as his quest for the fountain of youth. She sighed softly and watched him. "He has such a handsome face." She whispered to Doug, who shrugged and nodded. "Yeah, with Chad, not a lot of there, there. But, I can see it with Jack." Jack slowly looked up once he heard his name, and put his pencil down.

Evie pursed her lips as she tried to avoid his gaze

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Evie pursed her lips as she tried to avoid his gaze. Suddenly, the teacher walked up to Jack, noticing he was looking at Evie. Instead of making an example out of him, he decided to use Evie instead. "Evie! Perhaps this is just review for you, so tell me. What is the average atomic weight of silver?" Evie was caught off guard from staring at Jack. "Atomic weight? Uh, well, not very much. I mean, it's an atom right?" Chad laughed and Jack chuckled a bit. The teacher beckoned her over to the chalkboard. Evie's smile disappeared. She slowly got up, with her mirror in hand but out of view. "Let's see." She pondered as she held the chalk in one hand, and the mirror on the other hand, hidden. "How do I find the average atomic weight of silver?" She glanced at her mirror. "That would be...106.905, times .5200, plus 108.905, times .4800 which, Mr. Delay will give us 107.9 AMU." She said after reading this secretly from the mirror and writing it all on the board. "Amoo?" Doug said confusedly. Chad didn't understand a word she just said. And while Jack wasn't all too familiar with chemistry, he was astonished at how she came up with that whole formula, unaware she used the mirror for help. Even Mr. Delay was astonished and speechless. "I forget." He said, "Always a mistake to underestimate-" "A villain?" Evie cut in before smiling sweetly. "Don't make it again." She said as she tossed up the chalk for him to catch. Once he did, she turned around and walked away, with Jack watching her as she did. Chad, desperate to get her attention, handed her a note. When she took it she opened it and read it, "Meet me under the bleachers at 3 p.m?" She rolled her eyes and crumpled the note up, disgusted at his offer. But Jack was quick, and he wrote his own note. It reads, "Meet me after class by the field -Jack". He handed the note to Doug, who handed it to Evie. Once she opened it and read it, a warm smile came across her lips. She wanted to squeal for joy, but she didn't want to make things obvious. Instead, she held the note towards her heart, and sighed happily. When no one was looking, she took the note and kissed it with her red lips, leaving a kiss mark on it.

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