The Museum Heist

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Throughout the journey, the vks ran as fast as they could. Evie's long blue hair bounced in the breeze, and occasionally she would look back to see if Jack was following them. She had a bubbly feeling inside of her whenever Jack was around. She would make soft glances at him every now and then. When he returned a glance to her, she would turn away and hold her head high. She then gave Mal her mirror. After using Evie's mirror, Mal took Jack's compass and followed it just as he instructed. The needle kept them in a solid direction, despite its inability to point north. Soon they arrived at the museum, and made their way towards the gates. Of course, they were locked. Jay was about to break them open, when she held her hand up. "Wait. I got this." Her eyes glowed green, and she chanted a spell that made the spinning wheel glow a bright green. "Magic spindle, do not linger. Make my victim prick a finger.
Prick the finger, prick it deep. Send my enemy off to sleep." Within moments, he pricked his finger, yawned and fell fast asleep.

" Within moments, he pricked his finger, yawned and fell fast asleep

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Mal struggled as she tried to open the door. "Stand...back." Jay said in a cocky voice, as he cracked his knuckles and coiled back. "Make it easy, make it quick. Open up without a kick." Mal chanted as she closed the book quickly. Jay ran
forwards, yelling as the door opened. "I wouldn't do that if I were-" Jack started as he tried to stop him, but Jay fell onto the concrete floor. Mal and Evie laughed, before she playfully kicked Jay on his side. "You coming?" She asked as she walked away from him. Jack reached a hand out and offered it to Jay, who took it and was hoisted up. "Thanks." Jay acknowledged as he patted Jack on his shoulder. "Don't mention it." Jack replied. Mal followed the compass while Evie kept her eyes on the mirror. They found a sign saying, "Wand Exhibit" with an arrow pointing up the stairs. "This way! Go go go!" Mal whispered. Evie squealed happily and ran up the stairs followed by Jack, Jay and Carlos. They all came across an exhibit, that made their spines tingle and their bodies shiver.

 It was an exhibit of the most fearsome villains in the entire kingdom

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It was an exhibit of the most fearsome villains in the entire kingdom. Maleficent, Cruella De'Vil, Jafar and the Evil Queen. "Mommy?" Evie whispered. Jack looked upon the exhibit, and gently touched Evie's hand with his own. She gasped softly and jumped. She looked back at Jack who gave her a look of reassurance. She sighed softly and felt herself holding his hand. "Killer." Jay responded as he saw the exhibit of his dad wielding his cobra staff. Carlos shivered as he saw a statue of his mom chasing helpless puppies away. "I'll never forget Mother's Day again..." There was a moment of silence from the group, before Jay spoke up. "Well. The wand's not here. Let's bounce." Jack slowly let go of Evie's hand, and she followed Jay and Carlos down the hall. He tapped Mal's shoulder and she gasped softly. He held out his hand, waiting for her to give the compass back. "Oh yeah, I don't need this." She dropped it into his hand. "You okay?" He asked as he clipped the compass onto one of his belts. Mal stayed quiet and held up a hand to him. "Just go. I need a minute." She ordered him. Jack turned away from her and ran to catch up with the others. Later on Evie returned to come get her best friend. "Hey! I found the wand! Let's go." Mal looked back at the statue of her mother, confused before she followed Evie quickly. Once they reached the exhibit, they became excited. Jack smiled, knowing that the vks were finally about to reach their goal. Although, something told him this was too easy. Jay reached out to grab it, Jack wanted to say something but Mal cut in. "Jay don't! Wait! No!" A force field caused Jay to stumble back, and a loud siren whined. The vks covered their ears. "A force field and a siren?!" Carlos cried out. Within moments the guard woke up. "That's just a little excessive!" Jay groaned. "Come on!" Mal yelled as the five vks made a run for it. On the way down Carlos noticed the phone was ringing, so he answered it and fooled the security officer on the other line. "Hello? One second." Mal, Jay, Jack and Evie all ran out from the museum. "Wait! Where's Carlos?!" Mal exclaimed. Jack realized he got left behind. "I'll get him." He was about to run in but Jay stopped him. "Whoa whoa whoa. Evie's got this. She rushed back in to get her friend. He had just finished talking on the phone. "Yeah, no problem. Say hi to the missus." And he hung up. "Carlos!" Evie called out. "You're welcome." Carlos replied. He followed her out of the museum, and the five vks made their getaway, as fast as they could. Once they reached the dorms, they took a minute to recover and control their breathing. The boys went to their dorms, and Mal went to hers. Evie on the other hand, stayed with Jack, she sat with him. She softly touched his hand. "Thank you, for helping us Jack. I really appreciate it." Jack nodded, before he gently touched her hand. "No problem, Evie. It was my pleasure to help you." Evie felt a blush come onto her face. But to avoid being shy, she remained headstrong. She wanted to keep holding his hand, as he brought back those wonderful feelings inside of her. But, she knew she couldn't do this for long. "Well, it's late. I should get to bed." She said with a soft smile. Jack stood up and walked her to her dorm. She stood at the doorway, and looked at Jack, casting her eyes up and down. Then, she wrapped her arms around him and gave him a hug. "Thanks again. I hope we have our classes together tomorrow." She said before she pulled away. "Me too." Jack replied with a slight smile on his lips. Evie slowly shut the door. She held onto her heart and sighed. Throughout the night she couldn't stop thinking about Jack. He retired to his dorm for the night, and as he took his shoes off, he couldn't help but think about Evie too.

Evie and Jack: A Descendants Love Story.Where stories live. Discover now