The Date

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Mal had finished her date with Ben, it was 7:00 pm, and Evie was stressing out. "Oh my gosh, M! I don't know what to wear! I don't know what to do!" She cried as she picked up 2 dresses. She was getting ready for her date with Jack. Ever since he asked her out, she had been a nervous wreck. She helped Mal prepare for her date with Ben, but now Evie felt like she was far from prepared. She already had her makeup on though, which was a start. She couldn't figure out what to wear, as far as dresses and shoes were concerned. Mal chuckled before saying, "E, you need to calm down." Evie stopped and turned her head to look at her best friend, who slowly came up to her and gently put her arms around her. "You're perfect the way you are, you don't have to worry so much. If anything..." Mal began, taking her hands off of Evie's shoulders slowly, "I think you should wear this." She pulled up a dark blue and aquamarine dress, and gave it to her friend. Evie smiled at her, "Thanks M, it's perfect." She said as she held the dress to her body. "Now go get changed, you." Mal said. Evie ran to the dressing room curtain, slipping the dress onto her body. "Wait, I don't have any shoes!" She exclaimed. Mal opened the closet and pulled out a pair of black boots. "E, you have tons of shoes." She scoffed before handing them to Evie. "Thanks." She replied as she took them from Mal, slipping them onto her feet. "Now, let me see." Mal said, as Evie slowly pulled the curtain away, posing for her. "Look at you." Mal said in a singing voice, and had Evie turn around. "Jack is gonna love this." She said with a slight smirk. "I honestly hope so." Evie sighed as she put a hand over her heart. She picked up a bottle of perfume and sprayed it on herself, and put a small tiara over her head. Within a few minutes a knock came at the door, and she turned around suddenly. She cleared her throat and walked towards it, before slowly opening it. There, she saw Jack standing at the door, he was dressed nicely but casually. He wore a button down shirt with his sleeves rolled up, a brown leather jacket, blue denim jeans and brown shoes. He also had his pirate rings on his fingers, including an emerald ring, his mother's stolen ring, a green griffin ring, and a gold and diamond flower ring.

Evie almost went red with a blush, 'Gosh he's so handsome!' She thought to herself

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Evie almost went red with a blush, 'Gosh he's so handsome!' She thought to herself. "Hello Evie." He said with a smile. Evie was about to squeal, but she kept herself together. "Hi Jack." She said as she flipped her hair, trying to come off as headstrong, Mal chuckled, she knew that Evie was incredibly happy to see him. She rolled her eyes and shook her head as she watched the two of them. Jack held up a rose and gave it to her, Evie took it and smiled, "My, aren't you sweet." She said in a sweet voice. "Alright, get going you two." Mal said almost impatiently. Evie giggled before walking out the door. "Have fun." She said in a mocking voice towards Jack, who raised an eyebrow then nodded at her. Mal's smile disappeared, she made a gesture, pointing at her eyes and then at Jack as if to say, "I'm watching you." Jack may have come off as sweet, thoughtful and caring, but she still didn't trust him. Evie was her best friend after all, and if Jack was to ever hurt her, Mal would make sure he'd live to regret it. Afterwards, he took Evie to a restaurant that Ben highly recommended him to bring her to for their first date, "Tiana's Place", which was right here in Auradon. Jack held the door open for her, and she thanked him. They walked inside and waited to be seated. When a waiter came by he seated them right away, and the dining room looked fantastic.

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