Why the hell was it even there!?

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This is bad.

You're tired.

Why are you tired? This is new.

The worst part is that you're nearing who you assume is 'Seek'.

Eyes were filling rooms that you entered, and finally, you walked into a long hallway. You sighed, already knowing what comes next.

You hated running, but it's like you got a huge speed boost whenever you ran from Seek. It felt nice.

Also, the added adrenaline really helped. But as soon as it wears off, you know you'll collapse.

Because you're tired.

But you continued walking, almost to the end, when you heard it.

The sickening sounds of black goo, smudge, spreading across the floor and overlapping.

You turned around, already feeling the adrenaline pumping in your blood. And there slowly climbing out of the puddle of goo, was Seek.

Seek was... unusually tall. But 'he' IS a monster after all, so you're not surprised. His honey-colored (Google skin tones and names, the first image is what I'm going off of.)  skin was glowing ever-so-slightly due to the light.

His face was normal, except for the eyes. Well, eye. One big eye that was surrounded by black. The black in the middle of his face faded out, and around the eye, the skin seemed to be... cracked..?

Littering his body was patches of lighter skin. You forgot the name of that... Vitiligo? You don't remember. It looks cool, though.

He wore a simple gray tank top with a black hoodie tied around his waist. He wore black joggers with knee-high hiking books, styled by gray laces. Also, one black and one one white bracelet laid comfortably on his right wrist.

His hair was jet black with white fading onto the ends. Half was tied into a short ponytail, half rested comfortably on the back of his neck.

He smiled widely at you, revealing some... quite sharp teeth. Not shark sharp, but not as smooth and flat as most.

That was your queue to run, and so you did. In fact, you BOLTED through the door behind you and looked quickly for a blue glow.

The door that was glowing lightly caught your attention immediately, and you barreled through it. And this was the part you hated.

Hands, fire... it was chaotic as can be. You dodged the hands and flames with ease, considering your experience in this situation. You knew this like the back of your hand.

The part you didn't expect? A huge bookshelf to fall on you as soon as you reached the door.


Huh, you're not dead. Good.

You're huddled up in a fetal position. Somehow, considering the size of the bookshelf, you were coincidentally right where an empty shelf landed, trapping you in place.

You let out a sigh of relief at your survival, and tried moving around to get comfortable.

That's when the panic set in.

You finally realized what was happening, and you started to hyperventilate. You have severe claustrophobia, and immediately, the worst thoughts possible started flooding your mind.

You then focused on trying to calm down. You struggled greatly, of course, considering your phobia, but you managed to calm your breathing and tried thinking positive. Well, you were, until you heard heavy footsteps. Seek.

You hold your already unsteady breath, trying to be as silent as possible. The problem is, it's hard to be quiet when your heart feels like it's going 300 bpm.

You saw a sliver of light, then the bookshelf was lifted off of you, and balanced back up against the wall. You looked around. The hands and flames were all gone. The room seemed untouched and clean as new.

Then you turned your attention towards the creature in front of you. Seek was kneeling down in front of you. Crap.

You jumped back, out of instinct and fear, but Seek grabbed your leg and narrowed his eye at you. You felt yourself trembling slightly, nervously. You've seen this guy every so many times, yet you're not used to his appearance.

You reeled your other leg back to kick at him, but he spoke before you could, freezing you in place. "I don't know how or why that bookshelf is there. Since that isn't supposed to happen, I'll let you go, alright? Only this once, though."

You didn't know how to respond, really. Your emotions were going crazy. So, not knowing what else to do, you nodded and stood up, shaking your leg from his grip. Seek stood up, clearing towering over you, and motioned towards the door. Though, you couldn't bring yourself to look away from his face.

Now that you look closely? It's honestly... not as terrifying as you thought. There was a.. how can I say this.. warm- look in his eye? Whatever it is, it doesn't scare you as much. You were about to look away after a few seconds before you felt your feet leave the ground.

This obviously startled you, and you clung onto the nearest thing you could reach. Which just happened to be Seek. For plot convenience, obviously. And as it turns out, Seek picked you up by your armpits.

He looked fairly annoyed as he effortlessly walked with you in his grasp, stopping at the door. He held you up and simply dropped you, not caring if you landed on your feet or not (Which you did, thankfully). Seek stepped back and grabbed the door before speaking, "When I tell you to leave, you leave. Next time I wont be so patient with you, Player. Now scram!" Seek's voice rose into a slight shout with each word, then he slammed the door in your face.


Why the hell is every monster here so mean? Eh, you wouldn't be too nice either if you had to deal with someone over and over again and they don't listen to you. You shrugged and turned on your heel, walking through the room you were placed into.

When you reached the next door, you suddenly thought of something.

How did he hold you like you were a piece of cotton?


Hey, it's me, the author. I just wanted to apologize for the slow update! I struggle with finding time before, during, and after school to write a decent-quality chapter. 

I don't want this book to have effortless writing, so some chapters may take a while to publish because I don't want to supply you guys with poorly-written chapters (when it comes to my style of writing, that is).

Also, I have NO IDEA where this story is heading off to. I have no plan, so this book is sort of writing itself. This doesn't mean I'll end it, though. I may take some time off to ponder some ideas, yeah, but I'm not abandoning this book. 

..Plus, I got some reads, so why would I?

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