A golden lock

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wassup my gays and theys
someone at my school saw me writing this chapter im gonna jump off a cliff


After the whole race thing, I asked Seek about the hallway. Where did all of the other rooms go? Why the hell was that hallway so long? I had a LOT of questions.

It went something like this, in a nutshell;

"How is there such a long hallway where there used to be all of those rooms?"

"We can manipulate the hotel?? Did you not know this?"



So yeah. Apparently they can move rooms and shape them to their liking. I mean, how else would all of the rooms be randomized whenever I died? Moving on, though, we were all currently walking through more rooms. I'm not even paying attention to the numbers. Soon enough, we arrive at a door, of which, is locked.

Halt steps up and says, "We can break the door down, don't worry, darling," but I hold out a hand and stop her. My face is hot. Fuck.

"Are you kidding? I haven't had to unlock a door for a while now! God, the nostalgia is gonna kill me. Lets start looking for a key!" I ran off happily. I heard someone speak up in confusion, but I ignored them and ran into a random room. Walking over to the nightstand beside the bed, I opened all the drawers. To my disappointment, the key wasn't there. I did find a bandaid, though.

Walking over to a nightstand on the other side of the bed, I opened the bottom drawer. Nothing. Middle drawer. Nothing. Finally reaching the top drawer, I opened it quickly.

A spider jumped at my face.

A fucking spider. On my face.


I yelped and jumped back, swatting at the spider. It went flying and smacked into the wall that the nightstand was next to. Eyes came running into the room, panicking. "Y/N!? Is everything okay!?" I shook my head and stepped back, watching the spider fall and twitch. Eyes looked confused before looking at the spider.

Then they burst out laughing. Y'know, bending over, tears, everything. I was confused and stared at him before hearing a whine and looking at the spider. But it wasn't a spider. To my surprise, instead of a spider, there was a kid there. Maybe around 10 or so.

Grey skin, and 6 eyes. 3 of which were red and 3 were green. When the kid faced me, I saw two fangs sticking out of their mouth. They wearing a basic black t-shirt and navy blue shorts that reached just above the knees, with a bandaid on one knee.

A bunch of black spider legs were sticking out of their back. Also, a noticeable bruise on their forehead. Oops.

And black hair pulled into a low, small ponytail.

Eyes' laugh fades to a chuckle and walks over to the kid, kneeling down in front of them. The kid has tears in their eyes now. Do I feel bad? No. Okay, kinda. Eyes ruffles the kid's hair.

"Y'know, Timothy, you can't expect everyone to let you off without a smack or something," Eyes spoke. Then I kneeled down beside them, "Timothy? Is that your name, bud?" I looked at Timothy as I spoke.

Timothy, of whom I assume is a boy, nods while sniffling. A single tear rolls down his cheek, "No one ever threw me before..." His voice was high and wobbly. I felt bad. So, I reached into my pocket and grabbed the bandage I found earlier. I held it out and it morphed into an ice pack folded in a paper towel. I gently held it upto his bruise.

Eyes moved their hand to hold the ice pack in place. Timothy leaned into it and wiped his face clean of tears. "Hey, Timothy, I'm sorry for throwing you. I don't like spiders that much. "

He nodded slightly and spoke in a hushed tone, "Yeah, I thought so. A lot of people hate spiders," he closed his eyes when he finished his sentence. He moved one of the legs on his back and held the ice pack. Eyes let go of it and scooted back to sit next to me.

"Don't poke it with your leg, Tim. That'll make the ice pack useless."

hey. i just wanna say that I'm sorry this chapter is so damn short. I couldn't write any more without leaving you guys hanging in the middle of a chapter.

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