Get some shut-eye, yeah?

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Hi!! Quick A/N!

If you find ANY grammatical errors or spelling errors, please point them out. I'm too impatient to skim through the chapters and check for any mistakes, so if you find one, tell me. Thank you!


The adrenaline took a bit to make its way out of your system, but when it did, you felt DRAINED. This scared you a bit. Were your basic human needs catching up to you? Maybe only the lack of sleep was, yeah, but it was enough to catch you off guard.

You weren't used to the feeling of your eyelids getting heavy, and your body feeling as if it's being dragged everwhere you go. You weren't used to having to battle the urge to lay down and shut your eyes. You always felt energized in some way. Not this time.

As you entered another room, it seemed as if a wave of tiredness washed over you. This time, you knew you wouldn't be able to hold yourself up. It was too much.

Well, until the lights flickered. It startled you, in all honesty. The worst part was the fact that your body was a lot more vulnerable than you'd like. You tried shuffling over to a closet, but you didn't even make it 7 steps before collapsing.

Your body was tired. Why were you so tired..? You couldn't fall asleep now. You needed to getting into the closet. Or under a bed, or a vent, anything. You felt the subtle rumbling as Rush neared, getting close too fast for your liking.

Why now, out of all situations? At this point, you felt like you were fighting every fiber of your being to keep your eyes open. Your body was drained of every ounce of energy it had. You cringed at even just the thought of moving slightly.

Suddenly, the lights flickered severely and popped as Rush ran through the room, but it didn't crash through the door as usual. Instead, it looked around the room. Apparently, it didn't even see you when it barged into the room, instead zooming right past you. You knew this because it looked slightly surprised when it saw you.

Didn't Screech say that Rush was a guy or something..? Yeah, he did... Wait, why are you thinking about this now? Why?

You were snapped out of your thoughts by someone planting their feet (with shoes on) in front of you, and grabbing you by the collar of your shirt. You were picked up, obviously with some struggle, and held high.

You tried lifting your head, but as soon as you tried, you felt like you just ran a whole marathon. You just saw the lower half of Rush, you assume, holding you up. Huh, a clear view of their outfit...

"Hey, idiot, why were you laying on the ground?", Rush spoke sternly, shaking you. You didn't respond. You couldn't do anything but fight your bodies command to shut your eyelids, though, they were slowly closing anyways.

Then there was silence for a few seconds before Rush spoke again, this time, 'his' voice was quiet. "Crap... Player..? Are you dead? Oh no..."

You have to admit, you were slightly surprised by his concern. Or was he acting? Eh, you didn't care. You felt him gently set you down, positioning you so your back was pressed against a wall and your left side was leaning against a bookshelf.

He pressed his fingers up to a certain point on your neck. You assumed he was checking to see if you had a pulse. You would know, because you would check your own pulse the same way if you were bored.

You felt him sigh in relief. "Wait.. then why the heck were you just laying there? Why didn't you respond to me!? I'm gonna kill you!", Rush spoke, and you could tell that he was getting mad. You silently prayed that he wouldn't kill you. Or hurt you.

Then, silence. Again. Why is it so quiet? No rain or anything. Then, you feel a hand on your chin, and it being lifted up, and with your head. You were too tired to fully register his face. Your vision was starting to blur.

Rush spoke in a hushed tone, as if he was scared that if he spoke too loud, you'd blow up."Player... Are you okay?", The best you could do to respond was move your eyes from left to right, signaling a no in response. Rush stared, as if registering this.

Then he leaned in closer, and whispered, "Holy... It's like you formed the darkest eye bags since the last time I saw you. How are you tired? This isn't supposed to happen. We've never had anyone experience this... somethings wrong. Really wrong."

He let go of you, letting your head drop back down. "Well, I guess I'll let you rest. When you wake up, just... keep walking. I won't be around." For some reason, this disturbed you. The setting was fine! Dark and relaxing, but something was ruining it.

Then it hit you. You didn't want to be alone. Not when you were so vulnerable and weak. You couldn't bare the thought of being left alone at the moment. Also, you were kind of chilly.

So, with all of your might, you make the quietest, barely audible "no" sound. Rush almost didn't hear it altogether."I'm sorry? Player? Do you not want me to leave..? I- okay then.."

He sat down beside you, shoulders almost touching. Why was he being so nice? You thought he was just gonna ignore you or call you weak and leave. You weren't complaining, though. You enjoyed the company, even if he just sat beside you silently.

Your body, somehow mustering up the nonexistent energy, shuddered and shivered. Rush noticed this somehow, and sighed. He pushed you away from the wall, keeping his hands on your back to stop you from falling, and sat against the wall you were just leaning against, including the book shelf.

He made himself comfortable before leaning forward and wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him. He turned you around, not meeting your eyes, and put your legs around his waist and your arms over his shoulders. You immediately felt all warm and fuzzy. But you only focused on the heat he was radiating. Maybe it's from him running so fast.

He wrapped his arms around you almost, uh, protectively..? He rested his head on top of yours and pulled you as close as possible.

You felt your face heat up more than your entire body combined. You were no idiot in this subject. You were blushing. Why are you blushing? You'll be in the elevator when you wake up, probably, for crying out loud!

Yet again, Rush is making you feel.. warm. And safe. And fuzzy on the inside. Most of all, though, tired. You finally let in, shutting your eyes completely, and you fell asleep in a matter of seconds, not caring about anything else at the moment.

Sleep well, Player. You deserve it after such a long journey.

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