Boo- ..Oh.

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This chapter may be short, yes, but you'll know why when you read it all.

Sure, I had a bad start with Timothy, but after a few months, he warmed up to me. Yeah, I said a few months. Yeah, it took him that long. And yeah, we skipped quite a while into the future.

If im being completely honest, I was getting bored. Bored of the entities, this hotel, and myself. Until Timothy came along. He's practically my little brother, now. He's fun and calls me silly nicknames and plays games with me. If anything, he's the funnest thing this hotel has to offer!

Even though he still scares me as a spider sometimes. That's not fun.

Right now, we're playing a game of hide-and-go-seek tag.

I'm hiding under a bed because Hide would push me out of a closet without realizing it's me (it's happened before) and there's no other place for me to hide, so I have to work with what I got. I heard tiny, light footsteps and slowed my breathing, elevating myself the best I can.

I saw gray feet run into the room and a high voice coo, "Y/N~ I'm gonna get ya'!". I had to stifle a laugh as Timothy creeped around the room. He got closer to one side of the bed, so I quietly and slowly shuffled to the other side. Then he ducked down, his eyes glowing, and he smiled, his fangs shining.

I yelped and quickly crawled out from under the bed as Timothy dove down after me. I hopped up and ran out of the door, shutting it behind me. I have to be careful about turning corners so I don't slip on the carpet, but otherwise I'm pretty fast. But Timothy is faster.

I hear him not too far behind me and twist through different rooms. I duck into hotel rooms and go right out to try and confuse him. I even took a lot of vitamins and those helped. But, of course, he catches up. Somehow Timothy is, like, 5x faster when he uses those spider legs of his on his back.

I hear his voice. It's too close for my liking. Maybe a few feet from me. "N/N, I'm gonna tag you!" Followed by a giggle. This kid has the mind of a psychopath sometimes, I swear. I quickly turn a corner, staying on the wooden tiles as best as I can. But it wasn't enough, I guess.

My foot slid onto the carpet and it rolled up. I tripped. There was a drawer infront of me. I tried moving, but I couldn't.

Then it was dark. Everything. The last thing I heard was Timothy scream and the other entities barreling into the room, screaming my name. I felt dizzy. Then i heard nothing.

(I've read a few stories from people who died and were revived shortly after, so I'm going off of their experiences.)

I'm usually scared of the void I always thought was after death. But I wasn't scared. In fact, I felt an indescribable feeling. It.. felt like heavenly relief. As if all of my worries are gone. I feel.. happy. Relaxed. At peace. I like this feeling.

I knew I was gonna wake up in the stupid elevator again, I always do. And I'll be as good as new. No gash on my head or anything. But why do I feel different this time? I feel my body tingling all over, and I see a spark of light in the distance. Usually I'd just immediately appear in the elevator. Also, the feeling of eternal peace never happened before.

Then I saw a ceiling. Not any ceiling, but the elevator ceiling.


I hopped up and looked around. Of course, it's no different. I was probably just overhanging everything, I guess. I listened to the music for a few seconds that rang out into the elevator before going to press the button that stops the elevator sooner. I press the button.

Well, I try. The end of my finger disintegrates in little particles as it comes into contact with the button. I jump back in surprise and stare at my finger. It quickly forms back into a whole with all of the particles. What the hell is going on? I feel the elevator stop and the doors open. I run through and jump over the counter to get the key to door 001.

This time, I pick up the key without my body disintegrating. I smile and skip over to the door. I fumble with the key for a few seconds and unlock it. Once I hear a click, I go to push open the door. I learn forward, but instead, fall right through. I yelp and hold my hands out. I close my eyes, preparing for contact, but nothing comes. I open my eyes, confused, and I'm floating.

Right above the ground...

I stand up, panicking. Am I dead or something!?

Or maybe purgatory!?

Either way, I'm fucking scared. I need to find one of the entities, probably Rush. And soon.

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