So, in the end.

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I didn't understand it for a few seconds. The muffled sobs, my shirt getting stained wet, getting shoved to the floor, the pressure of multiple bodies piling on top of mine...

But when I heard Timothy squeal, "Y/N! You're back," I knew it had worked. I'm visible to them. I was no longer a stupid ghost, but instead, I was alive in their eyes. Everyone was cheering and hugging me, Figure just opting to smile and hug instead of being super vocal, and it was kinda overwhelming.

"You're alive! You're really alive!" I heard someone shout. I couldn't pinpoint the voice because of everyone talking, but I felt a tinge of guilt. I'm not alive, I'm still dead, and I know it. In fact, I don't just know that I'm still dead. I feel it.

By feeling it, I mean that feeling of dread always nagging at the back of my mind. The feeling of having nothing life-changing to look forward to now. The feeling of eternal monotonousness. That reminder that just goes, 'Hey, you're dead. Don't get any ideas'. And I hate it.

I smiled awkwardly and tried getting out from under everyone. Why dwell on the negativity when I finally have a moment of happiness? I kept squriming, starting to feel a bit squished. Sure, I liked this moment, but I didn't appreciate being flattened into a pancake because of being visible.

I wheeze, which Eyes must've noticed, because they yelled for everyone to get off of me. It took a bit, but soon enough, I could actually breath without feeling like I'm about to die. I sat up and noticed that everyone was sitting infront of me, just staring at me.

Well, now it's awkward. Shit.

Timothy crawled forward and hugged me gently, and I hugged him back. "I didn't know there was a limit to how many times I  could die," I spoke up. Screech chuckled and nodded. I felt stupid for dying so many times that I literally reached the limit. God, that's embarrassing.

[Time skip brought to you by a lazy author]

I don't know how they all managed to fit, but me, along with all of the others, were sitting on a bed. Nothing dirty going on, I swear. We're all kind of just cuddling. Except for Ambush, they aren't too fond of cuddling. Or maybe they just don't wanna cuddle when the others are too.

I sigh and lean back into whoever was behind me, I don't know. I'm too comfortable to really think right now. All I know is that there are some on my left, right, and behind me. Timothy is the only one infront of me, who is rocking back and forth on his own.

"So, since you can't die anymore.. does that mean that you can stay with us? Forever?" Seek spoke quietly, and I could hear hope in their voice.

The thought put me at ease. Spending eternity in this hotel, not so much, but with the entities in it? The idea sounded pleasing to me. Forever, with them. All of these people who made me feel loved and comfortable and safe.. I smiled at that. I liked the idea. So I nodded.

"Wait, REALLY!?"

"I don't think I've ever been this happy-"

"omg lets fu-"

I couldn't tell who said the last thing, since so many people started talking, but my face flashed a few different shades of red. Then it hit me.

This is how its supposed to be. I do find love in the end, even if I died. Even if something may happen, I found love.

Also a little brother ig (Timothy)



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