And stay out!

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Ever since I revealed my name to the others they wouldn't go three sentences eithout saying it at least once. Especially Eyes. They say it in almost every single sentence.

We were all kind of just walking through the rooms. I'm starting to wonder how many rooms there are in this damn hotel. I never got further than the 90's. But that's besides the point, yeah?

Rush and Seek, who were walking beside me (Practically squishing me between them) slowed down to get behind me. Someone shoved the other, I guess, because as we walked, they both kept bumping into eachother. Each time it got more agressive.

"Can you both stop being so damn childish," Halt spoke up. Her voice was practically overflowing with annoyance. Neither spared her a glance. They just kept pushing eachother. Well, until I heard a thud. I turned around, and before my eyes, was Seek. On the floor. Glaring at Rush.

My guess is that Rush basically slammed himself into Seek, because why else would Seek be on the floor? He quickly stood up and was about to charge at Rush until Figure placed their hand on his shoulder and shook their head. They then pointed in my direction. Seek sighed and brushed Figure's hand off. I didn't miss the glare that Seek shot Rush, though.

I kept walking, not expecting to hear any more shoving and pushing.

I did. A lot more.

I stopped and turned around to see not only Seek and Rush shoving eachother, but them shoving Halt as well. Man, she looked pissed off. She even got shoved so hard that she fell back onto Eyes, who stabilized themself and held Halt for a second before carelessly letting her fall.

I guess they were all trying to have a sort of fight that wouldn't trigger me? Because they were semi-yelling at eachother and shoving. Figure was just standing to the side, with a frown evident on their face. Ambush was just standing there before they grinned and kicked someone's leg, dragging them into the fight. Screech? Well, he was arguing with Eyes, holding them by one of his tendrils. I sighed and turned around.

I, yet again, didn't expect to be shoved. I knew it was on accident, but it did make me kinda mad.

I stumbled forward, considering the shove was pretty damn agressive and rough. In fact, so agressive that I literally tripped into a closet. It was a wide closet, to be honest. I could probably fit two more of me in there, shoulder-to-shoulder, slightly squished.

I didn't want to get shoved again, but I didn't wanna walk to the next room either. That'd be leaving them behind and then they'd be panicking because they can't find me. I knew I couldn't break it up either, considering practically all of them were fighting. Damn it.

So I stayed in the closet. I sat down and stretched my legs across the closet, slightly bending them to fit. I then leaned my head back against the wood, and shut my eyes, drowning out the noises outside. It was nice, the peace. Until I started hearing a voice whisper. I ignored it, thinking it was just one of the entities.

"Get out... get out... get out..." I stood up, getting slightly annoyed. The whispering was getting louder. I looked around the closet, craning my neck. Nothing. The voice was now normal level, slowly rising. I was about to open the closet doors to get out until I felt something press against my shoulder.

I turned my head and almost yelped, but a hand covered my mouth. There was a man. Infront of me. Glaring at me. Well, glaring down at me.

He had pale skin, and dark red hair. One gray, stormy eye. The other was a surprisingly bright red. He had..bloody bandages(?) wrapped around his entire stomach and chest. A black jacket on, unzipped. Then a pair of navy joggers, followed by high-rise converse. Basic compared to some of the other's outfits, but eh. Also, there were tattoos, I assume, on his face. They were multiple hash marks. Some reaching five, some not.

We both stared at eachother for what felt like eternity. The yelling outside of the closet was the only signal that time was actually passing. This guy seemed like he was in a trance. His face softened slightly and his eyes were exploring my face, as if his eyes were hungry and couldn't get enough of anything they saw. Whenever I tried to move, his grip on me tightened, loosening when I stop squirming.

Finally, he moved. But not in a way I liked. He yanked me towards him and sort of sunk into the back of the closet? I didn't think I'd follow him, but he dragged me right through too. Then I saw darkness. And it was silent.

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