Peace in the walls

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It was silence and darkness. For a while. The only sensation was the monster's grip on me, but aside from that, I felt like nothing. A simple pair of eyes, and no more. No hot or cold. Just... there. I'm just there. Here. Wherever this is. I'm starting to think I'm dead.

Suddenly I'm pulled out of said state. I'm blinded by a flash of light, and flinch, rubbing my eyes vigorously. Once my eyes adjust to the light, I look around. Well, I look wherever I can.

I'm in a cozy looking room.. A slightly messy bed with drawings of a creepy-looking kid with their creepy-looking parents strung across the walls. A dresser with unreadable writing is next to the bed. In one corner is a desk crammed with art supplies and books, with a mug in the center, sitting on top of a piece of paper.

There are paintings scattered randomly on the walls, too. Some good, some bad. Some creepy and some calming. Also, a guitar was rested against a wall with a pick set beside it.

I was suddenly jerked forward, reminding me of the other presence in the room. He was still holding me. My waist.

I squirmed harshly and kicked and punched, and after a few seconds, I got out of the man's grasp. I stumbled backwards and leaned against the wall behind me. (This sounds hella wrong outta context, doesn't it? Either way it's weird, I guess.)

The guy just stared at me. Again, it looks as if he's in a trance. Then he holds his hands up and speaks. His voice sounds oddly raspy, like he's been yelling and screaming for hours. "I don't mean any harm, alright? I won't hurt you, I promise. My name is Hide, okay? I assume you're Y/N, the player."

He- Hide- spoke as if he was talking to himself. I nodded at his assumption, confirming that my name is Y/N. My eyes dart around nervously before speaking up, "Where am I?"

He seemed to hesitate, planning out his answer.

"You have an amazing voice."

How does this relate to my question at all? It doesn't. But I can feel my cheeks (FACE) heat up slightly. He spoke again, "You're in my bedroom. I brought you here because I wanna meet you, if you're wondering."

I nodded slowly, eyeing him the whole time. He could kill me any minute now and send me back to the elevator. That god-forsaken elevator. He motioned for me to sit down in the chair indront of the desk, so I did. And he sat on the bed. His bed.

"Like I said, I just wanna meet you. No bad intentions, I swear. Plus, if I even so much as touch you, I know damn well that the others will kill me in a heartbeat."

I couldn't help but chuckle at his comment.

"Well, uh, you already know my name. Its Y/N. And.. yeah. That's it. Also, can the others even get here?"

"No, they can't. Except for Jack. Have you met him? He's my cousin. He can come in here, but he rarely stops by."

He smiled. I smiled back. Then we started talking for what felt like an hour. He isn't too bad.

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