|The Day Of Black Sun|

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I watch my brother as he stares at our map with intense concentration, before he closes his eyes and rubs his forehead. I walk over and kneel down next to him, taking his hand, and having him take the cup. I place my hand on his shoulder and give him a small smile. I look over as Aang appears, landing beside Toph, who's resting on a rock, and Momo jumps onto the Avatar's shoulder.

"Top of the morning, Momo!" I stand up and place my hands on my hips. He's definitely looking better. I was really worried when he started losing sleep cause of those nightmares so I'm relieved that he finally managed to rest. "Sounds like you slept well."

"Like a baby moose lion." He assumes a fighting stance with raised fists and an exuberant attitude. "I'm ready to face the Firelord."

"So, what's your strategy for taking him down?" Toph asks with a smile and starts wiggling her fingers mockingly then punching the air. "Gonna get your glow on and hit him with a little Avatar State action?" His smile falls and he looks down sorrowfully. "I can't."

He lifts his head up slightly. "When Azula shot me with lightning, my seventh chakra was locked, cutting off my connection to all the cosmic energy in the universe."

"You know what I just heard?" Toph asks with a bored expression and I shake my head. "Blah, blah, spiritual mumbo jumbo blah, blah, something about space." I look away from her and out into the distance, narrowing my eyes in confusion when I spot the fog that's rolling in across the ocean.

"Oh, no. Sokka, do you think the fog will delay the invasion?" He rises to feet beside me. "No. That is the invasion!" As soon as the Water Tribe ships become visible I gasp and we immediately jump on Appa, flying down the cliff to reach the beach.

I jump off once we land and our two earthbenders begin raising the earth to form docks for the ships. Sokka and I race across the dock as our dad disembarks. "You made it, Dad!" I throw my arms around him happily and he immediately returns the embrace. "Were you able to locate everyone I told you to find?"

"I did. But I'm a little worried, Sokka." I open my eyes as he shifts slightly to crane back to look at the two members of the Foggy Swamp Tribe as they get off the ship. "Some of these men aren't exactly the warrior type." I step back from my father as they descend the ramp and he places his hand on my shoulder.

"Oooh-whee! This place ain't nothing like a swamp." Due stops and points to the rock sticking out of the water. "What you reckon that is, Tho? Some sort of Fire Nation exploding trap what eat ya?"

"It's just a rock, Due," he responds to his companion who is scratching his head in bewilderment. "Is it just me, or are those fellas a little loose in the leaf hat?" Bato passes behind us, stopping beside Sokka. "I just wish they would wear pants." Huu stands not too far from us and his scratching his stomach.

"Pants are an illusion, and so is death." I shake my head and we join back up with Toph and Aang while the rest of the invasion force join us on the shore, talking amongst themselves. "Hi, Katara," a voice speaks from behind me and I turn smiling when I see it's Haru.

"Haru!" I run over and give him a quick embrace before stepping back to look at him. He's got a mustache and a goatee now. "It's so good to see you!"

"Toph, this is Haru," Aang begins to explain as they come over to join us. "When we met him, his town was controlled by the Fire Nation. So he had to hide his earthbending."

"Katara inspired me and my father to take back our village." He glances over at me and I look away with a small smile. I feel a hand being placed on my shoulder and recognize Tyro's voice when he speaks. "You helped us find our courage, Katara." I turn to look up at Haru's father with a smile.

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