[Shadow]'s files 1

548 17 5

Ast HQ

March 27 20XX
[Shadow's] physique
Looks like a teenager, Wears a black suit with black laces behind his back which can serve as additional hands, he also has a mask that conceals his face, his angel, [Erebus] has the ability to manipulate shadow's and the time of day indirectly, he has used these abilities by far:

Umbra celare: He hides in the pitch of darkness,or in people's shadow, you can tell by looking at the shadow of the person has a different physique than the person, this makes it harder for him to be tracked

Umbra regni: He has his own realm where he hides, he uses this to escape the ast squad or to teleport to attack, he could also drag other people in.

Umbra exemplum: he can copy anything, regardless if it has a physical form or not, and also his angel, this makes it extremely harder for the ast squad to capture this spirit, today, we have been reported of him being an excellent swordsman akin of swordsmanship to that of origami tobiichi, the ace ast in the group of commander ryoko's, so this supports our theory of his power

Shadow clone: He can control any shadow of a person and use it against them, he can also cast multiple shadow clones of himself, they easily die within one hit, unlik a certain time spirit, but he can summon multiple at the same time, so it becomes more harder to kill them, they merge to become stronger, they also can use umbra exemplum but to a much lesser degree, they can only summon physical objects, as such, they are an easier target, but they look like the shadow spirit, so we must stay alert.

Umbra percutiens: One of his offensive abilities, a black ray is being shot from Erebus, it has the strength akin to that of princess's strongest attack to this date, which caused major destruction.

Rex umbrarum: His suit is invincible to any normal attack whatsoever, he can also handle attacks of angels, as he handled all the bullets he was showered at by Nightmare, and handled princess's attacks, it is unknown of potential as of yet.

Umbra cultris: his second offensive attack, by using his angel, erobus, he can summon black knife-like objects, even though it looks like a normal knife except for it's color, it can cut through diamonds, and easily destroy a CR-unit

Umbra gladion: He can summon a sword which can fire black shockwaves similar to princess's angel, it can easily cut through any matter so we advise to stay alert
Eclipse:Can make a temporary eclipse to make himself stronger

Log #1
When dealing with him, it is best to attack at daytime, where he is weaker than the night version of him, it's also advised to not go head on with him, as shown it easily defeated the ace ast Origami, he can also change the day and night cycle, by using Eclipse, which can enhance his abilities to what we have calculated to be over 10 times his daytime counterpart, He cannot die by any means so our strategy is to eliminate him once in his base form, which we can then kill him.


Umbra gladion

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Umbra gladion

I couldn't find any book arts for his angel Erebus, only umbra gladion, so yeah, and sorry for deleting this and putting it back again

Again I'm very sorry, I'm just a klutzy author, anyways assistant out

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