The new beginning- Chapter 1

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!Spoiler warning from here on out!

As I brushed the dirt from my suit, I saw a city in a crater "What the hell?"
Then I looked around me, I created a crater but not so big as the city, Then a group of girls with armor, they barraged me with missiles, I barely avoided it "Oi what's the deal?!!" I then heard my voice being muffled, so I have a bandana huh "just surrender spirit" huh spirit, oh those supernatural entities "Remind me, what are spirits" at least I've got to milk information somehow "You idiots cause space quakes wherever you land, it's a waste of resource and a threat to humanity, so will you just surrender, you already made too much destruction" she sounded pissed, so their job really is a hassle "Umm, Sakura-senpai, you really shouldn't be yelling like that" "Oh ryoko, you would learn in time how hard this job really is!!! I can't even compose myself in front of everyone now, I do-don't even have a husband and I'm 45" then she cried, holy crap, they have it tough do they, but I'm not giving in "Nah, hard pass, I really don't want to get killed, so yeah" then sakura or whatever she's called, then entered into a fit of rage "So you don't wanna huh, then I'll just force you huh" then she charged at me, slashing her sword wildly "You spirits are the reason I can't get a husband" "Or are the guys not looking your beauty" then she got extremely flustered "Wha-, eh Y-You'll n-never trick me spirit" "Oh, it was a good try" then she fired bullets at me, but all seemed to not hit me, then a word stuck on my head "Uh, Erobus, come to me" then a book was in my hand, it had intricate designs and a black color, then It struck to me, so if im a spirit, then every other spirit have different abilities, then I had seen different words in the book "Hmm Umbra gladion" then a sword materialized in my other hand "Nice sword" I then let my book stay afloat in the air "Here I go" then I slashes in the way of the girl, then she got hit by a shockwave "Sakura-senpai" Then the others charged at me but I then got sucked in a portal, then I saw Mr. M, or at least a hologram of him "Hey there Kimizuka boy, you used your powers right" "You left me without context *Sigh* this is really troublesome" "well then, the book will explain all the powers that you have, so you'll be fine" then I started reading the book, it told me the spell and what it does "Well then, goodbye Kimizuka boy, Hope you have a fun time in this troublesome world" then I smiled "Sure I will" then he got a little happy "Yeah that's the spirit,pun intended" then Mr. M left "*Sigh* I'll have fun then" Then I opened a portal out to the world.

513 word count, noice, well then cya everyone, oh and whether I'm planning on a sched for releasing my chapters NO WAY!!! I'll be adding new chapters when I fell like it so

Assistant out.

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