1K special

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This will be interactions between Tanmoshi characters and date a live, well most of them.

Yui: hey there miku-san!

Miku: oh, yui-chan, how are you?

Yui: (smiles)I'm fine thank you, why are you here?

Miku: (grins)To add you to my collection, silly

Yui: (Shocked expression) oh hell nah-


Kimizuka: Hey shido, you know shiori is a great counterpart than you

Shido: what the-

Kimizuka: (smiles) You're really gay from the start hahahahah

Shido: (Blushing) N-no I'm not


Eating contest

Shido: (to mic) All of the contestants our down, two people are remaining, siesta and tohka, who will win?

Kimizuka: (To mic) It seems tohka has lost, she collapsed to a food coma, oh, hope she's alright


(During Yui's concert)

Miku: (shouting) Yahoo, Do your best Yui-nya, I love you, kyuuu!!!

Kimizuka: Oi, please calm down Miku

Miku: as if you ungrateful man

Kimizuka: (angry face) Wow, Rude much


(Shido and Kimizuka watching Soccer)

Kimizuka: (Shouting)My team is winning, Yes!!!

Shido: (scared) come on, no, don't lose, don't lose

Announcer: And Team Fire shooters win

Kimizuka: Yes!!!

Shido: No!!! I'm not gonna be shiori again, not ever


(Siesta and Origami were talking about love)

Origami: What is love for you siesta?

Siesta: (smile) oh, it's about feeling your heart go faster, having dreams about your crush, oh and maybe a enemies to lovers moment

Origami: (worried expression)...You really need to stop watching drama series


(Yoshino and Miku in a room)

Miku: Yoshino! Come give your onee-chan love

Yoshino: Ah, help me anyone

Yoshinon: I'll fight you to the death Miku, don't go near Yoshino

As Yoshinon punched her, then she fell down, siesta back chopped her head

Yoshinon: I'm so strong, eh siesta-san

Siesta: I've got your back, yoshino and yoshinon

Yoshino/Yoshinon: (In Mind)
So cool/ Tch, Spot light taker

(Kotori and Siesta talking about marriage)

Kotori: Siesta-nee, what is marriage for you?

Siesta:(smile) Oh, a poor girl marrying a billionaire, falling in love in the process, oh and a vampire and-

Kotori-(shocked expression) Origami was right, siesta-nee, don't watch too many drama


(Both Kimizuka and Natsumi was Stuck In a shoot out)

Natsumi: (almost crying) wah, were going to die!

Kimizuka: (tired smile) well, at least I know you are con-woman material

Natsumi:(shouting) How is that even nice?!!

Kimizuka: (shoots to the enemy) it's useful for lying and solving crimes

Natsumi: I don't want to do both! Why did you even make me bait in the fist place

(And then all the enemies were down)

Kimizuka: (looking behind to Natsumi) You're a good assistant, that's why I brought you here.

Natsumi was admiring Kimizuka for his bravery


(Siesta and yoshino were shopping)

Siesta: hey yoshino, you want to eat somewhere?

Yoshino: Um, im fine Siesta-san (stomach growling)

Siesta: Huhuhu, your stomach said otherwise, let's go

Then yoshino and siesta were now walking to a near restaurant and ate, siesta smiled at yoshino's antics


(Natsumi, Yoshino, Mukuro were talking about what people they've met, and then they were at the topic of Kimizuka)

Natsumi: ah erm, what do you think of Kimizuka?

Yoshino: (shy smile) W-well, he is a fun fellow.

Yoshinon: Yahahha, his Calm Demeanor interest me

Mukuro: His personality is akin to Shido, Muku is impressed by him

Natsumi: well, he's a lot more interesting, if you all put it that way, but his way of speaking is what is great about him

Then all laughed, they didn't know that Kimizuka was hearing everything

Happy 1K reads guys, I won't be in this grind because of you, you all were  a great audience, so as a gift, here's a bonus


Author: Hey there Kimizuka, you fine?

Kimizuka: (Smile) Yeah, I'm fine, thanks Author

Author: you want a new partner

Kimizuka: (angry face)no, don't force me, I don't want to be like shido!!!

Author: It will be a secret, I won't give you a harem, so just wait

Kimizuka: Crap

That's all today everyone, and like the bonus, there will be a secret, only a plan though, so wait and see, oh and your author really is a klutz, I've deleted the other part, I'm really so sorry, and so

Assistant out.

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