More, More and More Problems- Chapter 7

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Hey guyz, I'm back, now the introduction part ended (I hope you weren't bored by the slice of life chapters) I will now present, Tohka's Arc, Kimizuka and Siesta will play a support role for Shido, But it's still going to be at Kimizuka's pov
(Kimizuka-chan POV)
As we have finished our training, we were allowed to help shido, or in my case, laugh at his misfortune, and boy was it fun

"Hey Idiotka, why are you playing a dating sim, I thought you don't want to play those things"

He just grumbled, he was nearing the end to finish all the ends, and after a lot of choices later...

"Yes, I've finally finished this stupid game, I really hate this"

Then he fell asleep on his desk, I just sighed at him, but I put a blanket on top of him, well, he wont get a cold now, then I saw siesta and kotori talking to each other

"Oh, hello there Kimi-kun"

"Ah, siesta, what were you talking about with kotori?"

"It has something to do with Shido's training, he will be initiating a training with a boy so he could get ready for the male spirit, like Shadow"

She explained, looking as dignified as possible, but that means

"I'm going to be the practice male, Aren't I"

"Yes, kimi-kun, it will be you who will have to date shido"

"It can't be a date, anything will work, we will just surprise you"

Oh great, more problems, then I nodded, although it still disgusting, I have to agree, since at any time they might kill me, well, I don't believe them but still, you have to be wary.

"Alright, I'll do my best to not be disgusted by this plan"

"Thank you for your understanding Kimi-nii, we'll add another hundred thousand yen in your pay check for the trouble"

"Thanks, kotori"

Then kotori immediately left, she was now transported to fraxinus, and so e and siesta were left, then siesta began to laugh

"I hope you don't become gay, kimi-kun, although I'll support you if you confess to me about being gay"

She continued laughing, this really is embarrassing, well they'll add a hundred thousand yen to my pay check, so I have no problem, but...

"I really hate this"

I sighed, then siesta made tea for the two of us, we were still in shido's house, but she's acting as it is her own house, I sighed, well that's siesta for you

"Assistant, you better get ready, your boyfriend is coming down"

"Yeah, yeah, I know, I know"

I begrudgingly said, I really hate Ratatoskr for putting me in this situation, shido's my homie, well there's no worth complaining now, then shido was now on the front of the kitchen, he had a look of anger and resentment, so he probably got kotori's command

"Hello there, handsome"

He was waving at me so it has begun huh, I'll just play along

"Oh~, so you've woken up, sleeping beauty~, how's your sleep~"

I tried my best teasing voice and used it.Then he had a shocked look and disgusted look. At least I get to have some little fun

"oh, it was erm nice"

As siesta was trying not to laugh out loud, I was getting angry, I'll destroy fraxinus with my powers soon enough If I get more angry, guess I have to go

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