Siesta's Slice of life(Home edition)-Celebratory 469 reads

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Hello guys, I forgot to add this at 469 reads, This one shots are almost over, so your Author can have his peace of mind (and heart), so hope you enjoy
(Assistant's pov)
As I was eating some cream puffs, siesta was reading something
"Oi, siesta, what are you reading"
Then Siesta was looking at me
"I'm just reading the news today"
"While watching a drama show"
Yes, siesta was reading the news while 
Watching a drama show, it's quite entertaining, I mean the drama show is
"So you're the type to juggle everything, a multi tasker" Siesta nodded
"Yes, I can't just do it one by one, since it takes up too much time"
Then I nodded, it was actually right, I usually do multi tasking when time is a pressure, so I understand her
"Hmm, it's getting late, let's just buy some pizza Kimi" I then sighed
"You just want to eat some, am I right"
"Huhuhu, your guess is right off the bat, I knew I could count on you"
"I'm not paying just like last time, you pay it" I then showed her a cold glare
"Huhuhu, fine fine, I guess you know me too much assistant"
Then she called the pizza place
"I would like to order a pepperoni pizza, hmm yes, yes, thank you good bye"
Then she hang up, then she looked at me
"Hey assistant, do you want to play mortal Kombat with me"
Then I remembered playing with her and she defeated me 30 to 1, she was so good, so I had a rough idea what she wants to invite me in play
"There's a bet on this, am I right"
"Huhuhu, yes, winner gets to boss around the loser for the day"
"Hmm, that's not bad, if I win, I get to order the detective around, but you must have a handicap" then she smiled
"What handicap assistant" then I looked at her, what do I use as handicap
"Hmm, ah, you can't use combos"
"Huhuhu, well then it's a deal assistant"
"Alright!!! Now I'm pumped up"
Usually, I'm not pumped up, but I know that this fight is now mine
(A few minutes later)
"Guh, why am I defeated?"
It was my voice,now it was 10 to 5, even without combos, I will still defeated, then she looked at me and smile
"You're defeated again assistant, now I get to boos you around, so my first order of businesses is...." Then she went near my ear, her breath was intoxicating
"A kiss, huhuhu'"
Then I felt my face burn up, then she smiled
"Huhuhu, it was a joke"
"D-don't do that on me siesta"
I then sighed, she then looked at me
"You really wanted to kiss me Assistant, it's so funny"
"Kuh" then I was looking to the side, then the doorbell was ringing
"You get it assistant, that's an order"
"Fine fine" then I was walking to the door, and I saw the pizza delivery man
"Sir, this is your delivery"
"Oi, siesta it's your turn to pay now"
"You pay it, Kimi, I order you to"
I sighed, then the delivery mn smiled and looked at me
"You two are a great couple"
"No we're not a-" "Huhuhu, thank you so much" it was siesta who said it, then I paid for a pizza, then we ate pizza together, then siesta looked at me and smiled
"This is a great day assistant!"
It took me off guard, then I smiled
"Yeah, it is, one out of a thousand"
I muttered to myself, I didn't notice siesta's growing smile after hearing that
Word count: 600 words
Hello, I'm back, these one shots are almost over, As always

Assistant out.

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