Stalking and Dating- Chapter 8

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Hey guys, this is the start of Tohka's Arc, go check out my other story (imma commercialize my story here, no one said I cant do it here) Anyways enjoy the new chapter
(Kimizuka POV)

As me and siesta were watching the two from a cafe, a waiter suddenly went to our table

"Hello there you two, what would you like to order"

As I looked at the menu, siesta looked at me, it seems she was done picking

"Assistant, what will you order then?"

As she smiled while asking that, I sighed, I know where this is going

"Your gonna make me pay again for your food siesta?"

"No, I would be paying for yours, it's because I haven't seen you in forever"

I felt my face heating up, damn hormones, I hate puberty, I looked to the window as to not let siesta see I was blushing

"Well, I seemed to have missed you as well siesta"


We turn our attention to the waiter,he was smiling, but I can feel an angry aura resonating within him, I sighed, while siesta seemed amuse at his antics, then I said my order

"Oh sorry, I will order a black coffee with a slice of your apple pie"

"I would like some tea, with a slice of your chocolate cake"

"I see, we'll be bringing your orders soon, it can take up to 10 minutes, are you sure you can wait?"

"Yeah" "we can wait"

As me and siesta replied respectively, the waiter then walked to the cashier to give our orders, as me and siesta were now facing each other

"So, how about the others?"

"They are fine, they were really saddened by your death, but moved on since they knew what you wanted"

"Ah, I'm glad that they forgot about me"

This made siesta angry and looked at me with an annoyed face

"You really think they forgotten about you? They only moved on, but not even an ounce of their memories with you faded to dust"

I then had a wry smile

"To think that they wouldn't forget about me, it kinda makes me happy"

Then siesta flashed a bright smile, it was filled with intense happiness, why was she happy though?

"That's the bond you formed assistant, didn't you say your friends are important to you"

So that's what she was smiling about, to be honest it was very nice, someone who will grief for your passing, someone who would help you stand up again, but know a new question was engraved in my head

"How did you feel about my death siesta?"

This made her flinch, she then looked at me and sighed, never seen her Sigh before, it was usually me.

"I felt a little sad about your death, as I regret it since I couldn't do anything"

I had a stupid grin on my face, the detective saddened, I've only seen it once, it made me extremely happy

"Are you mocking me assistant, I'll blow your brains off"

"N-no, I'm glad you have remembered me, even with such a face, as you said"

"Oh, like I said, I won't forget about our journey together"

Then she smiled at me, I sighed, I didn't even think the detective would forget me, well she was the one who said that to me

"Whatever, let's just continue our Stalking"

"You mean date?"

"W-what, it's just a mission, let's just go"

Then we followed them to the restaurant, from the bridge, to wherever they go, even a love hotel, but we quickly dismissed it, we ate food along the way, Tohka's appetite could rival that of siesta's, then it was now raining hard, the two entered an arcade, then I spotted a little girl near a claw machine, she had a sad look on her face, she was wearing a green raincoat with bunny ears, then I went near her and gave her some coins, she looked at me, confused and surprised at what I did

"You want to play noh? You can have the coins for free"

Then I smiled, she looked at me


Then me and siesta went inside, we tried all sorts of games, then we played some kind of zombie shooting game, we were nearing the end, many people watched us, staring in disbelief or awe, then we defeated the final boss with ease, then all the people gathering around us began to clap, then we followed the two to a resident district, they were watching tengu city from above, we were watching them from behind a bush

"Oi siesta, don't kick me!"

"You almost touched something which wasn't meant to be touched"

"That's because this bush is cramped"

"Still not good of an excuse, now move it, Im trying to watch what will happen next"

Then we awaited for the kiss, but then we saw a glint of light, it was a sniper, it tried to hit tohka but shido pushed her aside and took the bullet, she began to feel angry and summoned her angel

"This is no good assistant, she's gonna kill origami"

"Yeah, we should go now, or else a tragedy might happen"


Then we used our Cr units and flown to origami, then siesta used her territory to protect poor origami, I waited for shido to come

"Tch, what's taking that idiot so long, he should have been here by now"

We were briefed by kotori about his ability, but even then, I knew he had regenerative abilities since yesterday

"You should put more trust into him assistant"

"Fine, I can wait"

Then shido came falling down and was caught by tohka, after a few minutes, they kissed, ending the first seal of a spirit

"*Sigh* really, and I mean really, really troublesome"

"Don't be a pessimistic assistant, at least you had fun"

"Yeah I guess your right"

Then we both smiled at each other, origami was knocked unconscious due to her state of stress, so we put her near a tree and went back to our beloved airship, fraxinus
Ok, it's small than other chapters, but give me a break, I caught a cold and I'm recovering from it, and I thought "why not make some chapters" and so here we are, I hate colds, now that we finished up Tohka's Arc, we will now focus on yoshino's arc, after I'm better

Assistant out.


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