The shadow and empress meets the Ice princess!- Chapter 9

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Hey guyz, sorry for the break, I had to do a lot of projects at school, but I'm back! Well, If school allows it, anyways, let's start shall we
(Kimizuka POV)
As we were walking to school, me and siesta had small talk, until we saw some drug selling, now we were shooting at them

"Wow assistant, way to make our day!"

As siesta sarcastically complimented me, I reloaded my pistol

"Yeah, I'm a lucky guy"

As we were throwing sarcasm at each other, the thugs looked confused

"Why won't they die! They killed at least half of us and it seems they're not taking us seriously!"

As all of them had a frightened look, we just gunned them, making them retreat back to their hideout, as I looked at the detective, she raised a brow

"Finally enjoying my beauty assistant?"

As she smiled at me, I had an odd feeling inside my chest, I locked my gun on her

"You... Are not siesta, aren't you?"

Then "she" smiled wickedly at me, I felt extreme pain in my forehead, then it transformed to a boy, me

"That prank was amazing to work, to think that I can fool the greatest detective's assistant even for 5 minutes is already a feat, oh, by the way, the names Erebus"

As he smiled at me, I realized the name seems familiar

"Are you... My angel?"

As he smiled at me and chuckled, I looked at him, displeased

"Oh, umm.... Yeah"

As he replied back with me with a shaky tone, I sighed

"So, where are we exactly?"

"Oh, just like any other stories, you're in your mind, hah just kidding, where in your world"

As I gave him an perplexed look, he then grinned

"I'll explain it to you, this is your other dimension, where you can control whatever you would like, this is where you meet Mr. M, you can store your clones here too!"

As he explained it to me, I nodded, so he's basically the embodiment of my weapon

"Oh, it's almost time for your class, you should get out of here Kimizuka, and I was glad I could meet you, see you later!"

He's really enthusiastic huh, I then gave him a smile and waved my hand

"Yeah, see you"

As a portal pulled me back to the real world, I saw I was in my room, I then got ready to go to school, with siesta, and went to school

(Time skip brought to you by Kimizuka and siesta walking to school)

As we arrived at school, it usually went fine, we then separated, the girls had Cookery, while us boys have PE, tonomachi faked an injury to escape PE as always, then I was running the track, sweat building up on my forehead, then shido caught up to me, panting slightly

"H-how can you survive this Kimizuka?!!"

As shido asked the question, I sighed

"I'm running a little slower so I can reserve some energy"

As the others were panting, I looked at them with pity

"All of you should exercise more"

As all of them had sad faces, I continued to run till I finished the track, and then went back to class, as all of the boyswere talking about girls and whatnot, I was drinking some water, then the girls arrived, it was tohka first, with slightly burnt cookies

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