The Beginning of war(date)- Chapter 6

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I finished reading date a live, planning on sticking to the very end, cause I have more plans, anyways, hope you guys enjoy
(Kimi-sama pov)
As we then finished speaking with kotori, shido entered the room, surprised at seeing us, then I looked at shido and smiled wryly

"Hello, idiotka-kun"

I greeted him, then he looked at me with a angry face, then he went near me

"Just please don't call me th-"

"Hey, can you stop that shido"

It was kotori, smiling at him, his eyes then widened


Then he was grabbing his head to grasp what he has seen

"Oh, we are above the diner"

"Yes, yes, Kimizuka is right, fraxinus is up the diner, can someone get rid of the cover?"

Then he saw the city down, in 15000 meters up the sky, he gasped

"Holy crap, Where did the ground go?!!"

As he was taking it all in, albeit In a stupid way, me and siesta were just looking at him, siesta had a disappointed look while I had a neutral one

"Shido, please calm down, you're not falling, so it's just making you look stupid, just like assistant here"

"Was that last part really necessary?!!"

I shouted at her, which I gained a smirk from here, then it annoyed me even more, damn new life

"This is a really interesting thing to watch, although there's more important things to discuss here"

Hmm, black ribbon kotori reminds me of someone, I hope they are alright

"Why are you smiling while looking at kotori assistant, so your really a lolicon assistant?"

I felt extreme pressure from my side, it was like being thrown in a hail, shido and kotori also felt the pressure, and they instinctively shrieked and there bodies were shaking with fear over the bloodlust, I had sweat going down on my face


I let out a sorry under the immense pressure, then the bloodlust stopped, everyone let out a sigh of relief as danger now passed away, as everyone heaved a sigh, kotori was now continuing to speak

"Shido, you are here to listen, do I make myself clear"

Then she hit a blonde guy with a suit, he looked to be very excited receiving the kick

"Thank you commander!!!"

Then he fell face first with a perverted smile, me and siesta had a look of disgust just from seeing that

"You can go now siesta-nee and kimizuka-nii, reine will accompany"

She pointed to the sleepy looking girl, then Reine nodded and guided us to what seems like a training facility

"I am curious, how long have you not slept Reine-san?"

Then she just looked at me, while holding her clipboard

"I have not slept since 30 years kimizuka, so any other questions?"

She then looked at me as she expected an answer

"How old are you then Reine-san?"

"Never ask a girl their age, you're lucky it was just me, any girl would kick you in the shin if you ask that"

She said having a somewhat annoyed expression, I just shrugged my shoulders as we continued to walk inside the training center, it had CR-units, and other things like weights and other gym equipments, I sighed

"We're gonna train here Reine-san?"

"What does it look like Kimizuka, anyways your CR-units will arrive shortly"

Then she opened the door and left, I sighed and looked at the training center, siesta was sitting in a bench with tea, she gestured me to sit in the bench and I sat, I was given a cup of tea by siesta and she was in front of the table

"Don't be sad assistant, why are you thinking of this as a bad thing"

"It is a bad thing siesta!!!"

Then she laughed as she holds her stomach, then she wiped a few years on her eyes

"Oh assistant, just look at it at a positive way, sometimes we have to deal with everything the world gives"

I sighed, what siesta was saying is right, I should be the one adapting, not the world

"Yeah yeah, I'll think of it nicely"

"Huhuhu, and if you're good, I'll give you a gift"

I smiled, what gift will siesta give?, It doesn't matter since siesta's only giving something now

"Yeah, I'll be waiting"

Then there were two Cr-units brought to us, one was black in color while the other one was white, and Reine was holding the realizers

"Here you are, you two, these realizers are for you two, the black one is for kimizuka, and the other is for siesta"

As she expressionlessly said that, we were looking at the quirks, mine was a Shadow realizer, hmm fits my spirit powers, while siesta was the Light realizer, both had unique quirks and abilities, then we went to the realizer center where they hardwire the realizer in our brains, as they readied the tube for realizer transplant, we looked at Reine, possibly sensing our worry, she looked at us with a bored expression

"You have a low chance of dying, so don't worry"

"How much is the percentage?"

I asked, just trying to make sure to not die

"Your chance to survive is 10 percent"

"That's a low number!!!"

"Don't worry yourself by numbers Kimizuka, go live your life to the fullest"

"That doesn't mean I have to die trying!!!"

Then Reine sighed and puffed her cheeks, what, I'm the one who's suppose to be angry here, I sighed

"Anyways, they will be hardwiring your realizers in your minds so you can access your territory, good luck you two"

Then she walked away, then I looked at siesta as she then entered the room,  and so did I, and we saw a 40 year old looking man near the tube

"Hello there, I'm Dr. Gastavo, I will be the one putting your realizers on your brain, nice to meet you"

He said as he was intently looking at us, then he smiled and gestured us to go in the tube

"Reine was just trying to scare you, you won't die in this transplant, you will only feel a sharp pain in the head"

Then me and siesta nodded and we entered the tube, as the scientist put Anesthetics on us to make us fall asleep
Word count: 1000
This is your Author here, I've been busy during a couple of days because of school (I hate school) so expect me to not always update, just like the last week, so yeah, I'll see y'all next time

Assistant out

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