The Rising Curtains- Chapter 2

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Siesta Pov
As I sat In a chair, I saw person in front of me, then it smiled at me "Welcome, I have been waiting for you detective" "What happened?" "You have died detective, but I'm giving you a new life and also to make kimixsiesta- I mean to reunite you with your assistant" did it just say kimixsiesta, then I blushed, I know for a fact there's something suspicious was because of that "*Sigh* Your assistant also was suspecting me back then, but you want to see you're assistant again no?" Then I looked down "Of course I want to... Well, I'll accept the deal" "Okay, now that world is full of dangers, supernatural entities called spirits, Kimizuka boi has gathered some information, as I cannot give you any more" hmm, Kimizuka, so I really need to find Kimi huh, I then smiled "so what's in it for you, I know you have a hidden reason for all of this" then it laughed "Hahahahah I'm amused of you detective, why don't you find it out yourself, but first here take this crystal" then a white crystal was in his hand "This will help you in the long run detective" I took the crystal as surge of power came over me, as it was finished I almost fell to the floor "With that, you will have the power where noone could reach you but darkness, tata" then I saw the person faded

Kimizuka Pov
(A day before Siesta's reincarnation)
Now that I've gotten used to this world, I'm kinda enjoying it, but it's a bit lonely, I sighed "At least I haven't encountered trouble for a day"
*Jazz music starts to play*
What the hell, who's playing jazz music, then I looked behind me and saw a radio, I turned it off, then I heard gunshots "Aw crap, trouble, perhaps I could still help.them" then I hid behind a tree and saw what happened, blood splattered on the grassy field, as a woman standed in the middle of it all, she wore a gothic lolita dress "Ara Ara, You shouldn't be selling illegal items here, huh" oh crap, did she just heard the rustle "Ara, another victim, I suppose no witnesses are allowed" then she was in front of me, then I was now looking at her face to face, her aura was intimidating but didn't work on me "Guess this witness will die" "Ara?, What, do you want to die in the hands of this cute girl" "nah, I won't, not until I give a fight, Erobus!!!" Then the book materialized in my "Hmm new skills, well the umbra celare!" Then I was teleported to tree's shadow "This piques my interest of you, kihihihi, now then let's play cat and the mouse"
Then I saw another skill pop out "Here I go umbra exemplum:Erobus"
Then there were two books floating beside me "Umbra cultris!" The two books summoned multiple daggers and cut through the girl "Gak! So you're the infamous shadow Zafkiel" Then a clock was summoned behind her, so she controls time huh "Dalet" then she was healed, interesting, she 'rewinded' time to heal her wounds "Me's come have fun" then multiple clones of her, then they attacked me, but my suit was basically invulnerable to any normal attacks whatsoever "Tch, why can't you die?!!" "I can't die with normal bullets and attacks" then the clones pinned me down "What the hell?!!" "Ara, it seems you're in a pinch of trouble, well then goodbye shadow-san" then she targeted my head "Zafkiel Zayin!" Then I felt myself being froze in time
As I saw them aiming at my head "Your head must be your weak spot" but then the laces in my suit covered my head as they showered me with bullets, as they finished, I came out unharmed "How could-" then I stood up "My turn, Umbra percutiens" Then a black ray of darkness hit her to a cliff "She'll come back eventually" I said to myself, for if she is the wielder of time, it'll be hard to kill her "*Sigh* this is troublesome" But I never knew that it was more troublesome in the future
Word count:700 words

The real show is about to begin, as the curtains rise, The main leads are now together, what will the future hold for them, anyways cya

Assistant out

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