Knight-kun and Princess-sama(New Au)-Celebratory 369 reads

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I made a new au for this, romance one shots are too hard to make, I'm dieing 😭😭😭
(Kimi-kun pov)
As I was readying my sword for a quest, I then saw my comrade, a female knight, who's name was natsunagi, sleeping "Oi, were going on a quest, why are you sleeping?" I said, irritated, the one who received this quest, was the one sleeping in "hah, this is troublesome" I was sitting, dejectedly, as I watched her sleeping, then she finally woke up "What are you doing, Kimi, you should be getting ready for the quest" "I am ready!!!"
(Minutes later)
Now we were walking to the princesses castle "Hey we're here" As we arrived, we saw a blonde girl and the princess, Siesta Nyx, Walking to us "Madam, please, I can protect you more than those two" "Good grief charl, you know who taught you how to fight, besides, you always join me on all my leaves, so you should just stay" "But madam-!!!" "No more charl" then the blonde girl was walking away, with a sad look, This princess was known for her brutish strength, and her cunningness, something that I both can't be equal on her, although I have won battles due to strategy, hers are much more advanced and requires perfect timing, she fought a dragon on her own once and won with tricking him into eating too much so as to kill her easily with a dagger, a simple but clever move "Ah, good morning you two, I'm siesta, the princess of this kingdom, Beltazar" she then did a curtsey"Oh, you shouldn't have Your majesty, we should be the one bowing to you" then she bowed down, then she looked at me and signalling me to bow, but I just took her hand and shacked it "We are the one who will escort you, Siesta" "Oi, are you out of your mind!!!" Was what natsunagi's face was screaming "Huhuhu, you are an interesting person, Kimi" then natsunagi had her jaw dropped, but I had a much more interesting question lingering in my mind "Kimi? Is that some kind of nickname" "Isn't your surname kimizuka, so I've made it" "Huh, to be given a nickname, that's kinda nice" "Wait why is the atmosphere getting romantic now?!!" As natsunagi was shouting, siesta ND I quickly averted glances and glanced at her, she felt the pressure and just went inside the chariot, as I was handling the horse, the two continued to talk endlessly, until a beast came, it was a giant turtle, we were at Aquamarine, where most water type monsters lived, we got out of the chariot as siesta seems to have a musket in her hands, and natsunagi had her sword and shield ready, I had my bow on hand, And we fought the monster, siesta suggested that we should scare it to go upside down, which was a good one, as natsunagi was slashing it's legs, siesta aimed for the head, it takes a while for a musket to reload, so I defended her by shooting the monster with arrows, as that happened, Siesta also fired another shoot on the beast, as slowly it was now falling on its back, now with the chance, we attacked it over and over again, as it called, it hit natsunagi, we couldn't do anything, so I had a plan, I then slashed open it from the stomach, then I looked at siesta "Hey siesta, do you have any dynamite" Hmm, well I have one" then she tossed me one, I  then light it on fire as I then Tossed it onto the beast's belly, it then exploded, luckily natsunagi was not harmed but it still had her covered in blood "Eek, this is really disgusting" "Just try to endure it" "Huhuhu, I never thought Kimi was a smart guy" "guh, I hate to admit but he's the brain of our group" "How about you join us, siesta" then siesta smiled "That would be most wonderful" And so this was the begining of the Adveturer and Princess started their journey (Natsunagi:Don't forget about the female knight!!!)
Word count: 673 words
I am so happy that this fanfic of mine has 300+ reads, as of now, I'm planning to rewrite it, with the one-shots and the Main lore a different story, if I happened to rewrite this, I would still use the angels and other things I can salvage, So Yeah

Assistant out.(probably for the last time in this story)

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