Siesta & Kimiboi's french date-Celebratory 269 reads

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I will end these one shots in 569 reads, as I plan a secret surprise, so please wait for it
(Kimi pov)
As we discussed over a new case, I felt a little famished "Oh are you hungry assistant" Siesta asked, as she was looking at me "hah, yeah, It's rare for me to even say that, you're the one who's always hungry" "It's not polite to lecture a lady of her diet plan" "Even so, after eating a lot, you sure don't get fat" "Huh, so you're saying you like fat girls?" "I meant it as a compliment, hah, this is really troublesome" Then we were thinking of where to eat, there were no ingredients to make supper as we haven't gone shopping after being busy for a case "Hmm, how about we try that new french restaurant assistant?" "Anything is fine, as long as it is edible" "huhu, well than, let's go" the girl with no care about the world, who is interested in solving the problems of her client, gestured me to come with her "Yeah, yeah, I'm coming" then we walked to the french restaurant, it was nighttime, the once bustling city turned to a silent one, few people were seen walking from time to time, as we arrived at our location, we went in, and sat on an empty table "You know assistant, this could count as a date, doesn't it" I was lose with words, as she said that, I was trying to supress my light blush "......Really , to have such a state of thinking, you must have watched a lot of drama series" "Huhuhu, to think assistant can get embarrassed by such things, you really are a tsundere assistant" "I-im not tsundere" I just sighed as I was misunderstood again "Although, that's what makes you even more likeable, your persistent and stubborn will is amazing to say the least" then I couldn't supress the blush on my cheeks so I looked at the side and smiled "Thanks for your compliment" "No, it was an insult, with your stubbornness and persistence and your emotional outburst resulted in a lot of our case be delayed, just like what happened with Hel" ah no, not a lecture again "You-" "Pardon my intrusion but your meal is here madame and monsieur, bon appetit" the waiter then hurried off to the kitchen, it was currently 11 pm, as this was a dead end alley, there were little activities, and so there were little costumers "So the meal finally arrived huh" god, I now liked this restaurant, I was seconds away of being lectured "Anyways, this was a great night, to think the detective harbors feelings for me" "I like you is different from I love you" then she gave me a cold glare, I just shrugged my shoulders "But it may be in between, so watch out assistant" As she said that, the cold glare was removed by a look of compassion "Yeah, heh, I'll be waiting by the aisle" "Huhuhu, so you really want me to love you" "what if it's true?" Then she was blushing furiously, heh that was a nice reaction to see while eating carbonara and drinking tea.
Word count: 518
This was a rushed idea, I was watching my story as I saw it almost getting to 269 reads, so this is advanced, I had only 30 minutes to make this because of my time being taken by multiple things in my personal life, These one shot series can range from different au's to solving cases to school life, I will be publishing the chapters on Monday If I have free time, Anyways

Assistant out.

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