The fight of the Modern knight and the princess- Chapter 5

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I decided not to rewrite this story since it's just too much work, and I wouldn't want you all to read it back to square one, so I hope you enjoy.
(Kimichi pov)
As I looked at all the students chatting idly, I sighed, it was the end of the school day, and so everyone was trying to invite others for lunch, karaoke, and a bunch of other things, then siesta noticed my sigh

"Hmm, assistant, do you long for someone to be friends with you"

"No it's not that siesta, I was tired"

"Kuhuhuhu, well then why don't we-"

"Oi, kimizuka-kun"

It was Tonomachi, who was waving at me, and in front of him was shido, which was also waving at me

"Yo, yo, you want to hang out today"

Tonomachi was doing an American style of greeting, which didn't look nice on him

"Yeah, if shido comes with us" I replied back to him

"Yo shido, wanna come with us" he shouted

"Nah, I have plans, sorry"

"Oh, is it with a girl?" Tonomachi was immediately asked

"It's just my sister, kotori"

"Oh, kotori-chan, tell her that I'll be marrying her someday- ow" he squealed in pain

He was scratching his head, it was because I have hit him

"Thank you for that kimizuka-kun, you're really a mature guy" Shido smiled

"Yeah, I've got your back, but I want to be invited in your wedding with kotori" I smirked

"W-what are you talking about, it's not gonna happen"

Shido was frantically waving his arms as to deny it, I then laughed at tapped him in the back

"It was a joke, but suppose it happens in the future, it'll be alright with me"
As I sighed, then siesta was laughing

"Uhuhuhu, so you have really found yourself new friends, I've never thought this could happen"

"Siesta, it's not impossible for me to find friends" After I said that, I sighed

"I have a question, kimizuka-kun, what's your relationship with Yukiishi-san"

Shido then looked at me, I sighed, this is really troublesome, then I looked at siesta

"Huhu, we are cousins, you see, I came here because I wanted to study here in the city"

Then shido nodded, it seems our false story was a believable one

"But how come you have no resemblance whatsoever" shido asked

"I have taken my father's side of appearance, so that's why, my mother was akin to the looks of kimi-kun, so I always remember her when I see her face"

Hmm, acting the sad girl to stop the mentioning of your family huh, that is quite clever, although I have anticipated this from siesta

"What happened to your mother siesta-san" Tonomachi asked

Then siesta looked down, she really wanted me to play the good cousin role huh, well that's fine

"She...doesn't want to talk about it"

As in on cue, both of them had faces painted with pity on it, as digesting the words I have said

"We're really so-"

Then the spacequake alarm sounded, everyone was walking to the shelter, but origami was running to the opposite side

"Tobiichi-san, where are you going"

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