25 - What would she do if she knew?

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The first thing that Yuina noticed when she regained consciousness, was that she wasn't alone. Not only mentally, but physically as well: she was pressed against Tangerine. Her heart began beating faster by that realisation. Images from a little while ago came to her mind; she remembered having a nightmare and him comforting her. She fell back asleep in his arms. Though all she had lived through in her bullet train journey came back to mind, she had never felt more safe or at ease before.

'How cute, our Sleeping Beauty is finally awake,' she heard Lemon say when she moved slightly, opening up her eyes. By the looks of it, both men were awake for quite a while now. Still Tangerine hadn't moved back to his bed or let go of her. 'How did our princess sleep?' Lemon continued. 'Safe and sound in the prince's arms?' She knew he meant it as a joke to embarrass them, but she didn't feel like that at all. 'Actually, yes,' she said surprised. She couldn't have slept more than a couple of hours, five at most, but she did feel rested. That was all because of Tangerine.

Yuina leaned back a bit so she could look at him without being too close to him. 'Thank you for comforting me,' she said, sincerely thankful. He just nodded, because he didn't know what to say. He felt weird having her in his arms still, with his brother being able to see it. He was making funny faces at him for a while before Yuina woke up. 'I could take my own room if you want,' Lemon suggested, grinning at his brother, who became visibly uncomfortable now. Tangerine wanted to come back at him with a witty response, but he didn't have one. Yuina being so close to him threw him off. She also didn't know what to say, but it wasn't because of embarrassment.

She sat straight up, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. 'What time is it?' she asked, to which Lemon shrugged. 'No phone, remember? There's no clock hanging on the wall here. Maybe this old piece of crap is still working.' The last thing he said whilst walking towards the tv, struggling to see how it worked. 'Well, let me know if it does,' Yuina said whilst reluctantly distancing herself from Tangerine, grabbing some new clothes out of her suitcase. 'Will do, princess,' Lemon replied whilst rolling his eyes. Yuina grinned and walked to the bathroom. After she closed the door and looked at herself in the mirror, she couldn't help but see a glow in her eyes. She had slept in Tangerine's arms, and he said it wouldn't be the last time he would hold her.

'Doing good,' Lemon said to his brother whilst trying to get the tv working. 'Ssht,' Tangerine said softly, nodding at the bathroom. Lemon rolled his eyes once again. 'You're acting like a fucking child,' he said before slamming the tv. 'You're one to talk,' Tangerine mumbled, thinking about his brother's obsession about a kids show. Then he started to look straight ahead, thinking about this night. He thought about what Yuina said to him and how it made him feel.

'Well, I'm glad you're fucking happy,' Lemon said annoyed. 'Now get off your lazy ass and help me get this thing working.' Tangerine sighed and got up to help his brother. They managed to turn on the tv, but there was no remote. Lemon would press some buttons on the thing, opening up the news channel. It appeared to be a few minutes before noon, the channel playing a catastrophic event that happened just near Kyoto. Lemon and Tangerine both needed to sit down when they saw the footage of a bullet train crashed down in the middle of a small village. It wasn't just any bullet train; it was theirs, the one they were on to complete their mission. The one they had failed in.

'This morning, just after dawn had risen, a catastrophic event happened,' a newsreader told them. 'The bullet train was set to arrive in Kyoto, but it departed and went through the barricades, crashing down the rails. The police are still investigating what went wrong. The following images are not suitable for children.' The Twins looked at the ravage the crashed down train had caused. 'Many bodies that were found appeared to belong to a man that reportedly possessed a large criminal organisation. He was formerly known as "White Death".'

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