26 - It definitely wasn't just the suit

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The three of them felt really weird walking the streets, acting like nothing happened. All around them there were other people passing by, but no one really looked at them. It was like Yuina was back into the old world, not knowing about the mafia or creepy people doing a dangerous job for them. But the truth was that she did know. It just didn't feel so scary to her anymore.

'Do you want a specific model?' Lemon asked whilst looking at Yuina. It took her a few seconds before realising he meant her new phone. 'Uhm,' she started, not knowing what to say, 'I can buy my own phone...' She honestly didn't want to trouble them, but this was the reaction she always gave when money would be involved. Her parents made sure she was aware of every penny that was being spent on her, which resulted in her being awkward when it came to money. 'No,' Tangerine replied, feeling guilty all over again. 'Your phone got broken because of us, so please let us replace it.' Both parties felt bad about the situation. 'I'll just take whatever,' Lemon said shrugging before looking at his brother. 'You'll get the clothes?' he asked, to which Tangerine nodded. 'Let's meet up at this restaurant when we're done,' Lemon said, nodding at the building. He quickly turned around and left those two together, after which Yuina and Tangerine started walking together in silence.

She was concerned about how this day would end. Tangerine wouldn't let her join them, that was for sure, and she didn't want to follow him around like a puppy, but what else could she do? She didn't want to part ways only to never see him again. Tangerine was busy trying to come up with something as well. It lifted his spirits that her first reaction was to stay with him and his brother, but Tangerine worried that at the end of this day, she would change her mind again. Yuina began to feel sad by their silent walk, so she decided to take her mind of things.

'So what kind of clothes are you looking for?' she asked. 'Eh,' Tangerine said, shrugging, 'I don't know. Something that makes us look like decent humans?' She didn't quite like that reply. His statement made it seem like he wasn't any good and Yuina just didn't agree. She had seen people that were way worse. 'You're more than that already,' she replied. 'You both are beautiful humans.' Tangerine blurted out something that resembled an indignant laugh, to which Yuina looked at him almost angrily. 'Sure,' he said shrugging, looking at a store to hide his red cheeks. 'Let's look in here.'

When they entered the store where suits and other proper outfits could be bought, Yuina immediately felt out of place. It seemed like you had to have access to much money to be able to buy something here. It looked like it didn't matter to Tangerine. He didn't act like he had all the money in the world, but Yuina knew he had no worries about that subject whatsoever. His jobs would surely get him paid richly, but it seemed like he didn't care about that much. 'You can get something as well, if you want,' Tangerine said whilst looking through the collections, seeing Yuina looking around awkwardly. 'Oh, eh, thanks, but I'm good,' she mumbled.

'You don't have to think you need to do something in return...' he said, trying to figure out why she was acting weird when it came down to the subject of The Twins buying things for her. 'This is not meant to be like a... I don't know, like in these stories where men would shower girls with presents and they would need to pay them back...' He was getting pretty awkward about it himself. 'Oh, no,' she said quickly, 'I didn't think so at all! I know you're not like that. It's just...' She shrugged, looking through some clothes to act less awkward. 'I don't know, I guess I've always been weird when it comes down to money. My parents act like they make notes of every penny they spend on me, rubbing it in my face how much I cost them. I don't want to be a burden when it comes down to these kind of things.'

'I'm sorry,' Tangerine mumbled, 'I didn't know.' Of course he didn't; there was so much he didn't yet know of her. Maybe there were many things she didn't even know about herself. 'Yeah, well,' she said, shrugging, not knowing what else to say. 'It's easier being said than done, I know that,' he said, 'but I don't want you to feel uncomfortable. Lemon and I don't care about money. You don't have to feel troubled about us spending it on you. I...' He averted his gaze and acted like he was suddenly pretty interested in these clothes. 'I only care about seeing you happy.'

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