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I was terrified. It was my first day at a new High School as a senior. Why had my mother been offered a fantastic job opportunity that late into my pre-college career? I had been perfectly happy at my last school! I had tons of friends, and a crush. He was lovely—a boy with silky blonde hair, and dark brown eyes that were the color of healthy tree bark. He'd always been one of the popular kids though, sporty and, frankly, quite loud. Not in a good way. But I fell for him all the same. He was just so attractive, and tall, and sociable. All the girls went crazy for him. I suppose none of that mattered any longer, though—I was probably never going to see him again. I didn't have his phone number, or even his email for that matter. And since we weren't friends on any social media platform, I had no way of contacting him. In hindsight, he probably didn't know my name, even when we had gone to school together.


I walked timidly into the new school building. It was significantly larger than the one I was used to. This only made the unfamiliarity feel greater, however. Someone bumped into me by accident. A pretty girl with ombré purple and black hair. Her eyes were the same shade as well.

"I'm so sorry!" She apologized, bowing her head, "Did I hurt you?"

Why was she being so kind to me? Usually girls with her sort of demeanor loathed me.

"I'm good," I assured her, "Don't worry about it."

She looked me up and down.

"I don't recall ever seeing you around here before!"

I nodded, afraid this awkward topic would come up.

"Yeah... I'm new here. Even though I'm already in my senior year. Pretty strange, huh?"

She tilted her head to the side and smiled at me.

"Yes, a bit. But welcome. My name is Shinobu Kocho. And, just call me Shinobu, no need to be formal. After all, I'm the Student Council President here at Kimetsu no Yaiba high!"

Surprised at her unexpected introduction, I bowed my head out of respect. Was she truly the Student Council President? I never would have guessed!

"Nice to meet you. My name's Y/N L/N."

She beamed at me, making my nerves settle a bit.

"Do you need help finding your first class?" She graciously asked, "I can direct you there! I have the entire building memorized! I also work in the nurse's office quite often, so if you ever need medical help, be sure to ask for me!"

Thankfully, I had visited the school one time other than today, and had mapped out the building's general layout then.

"Thanks, Shinobu, but I'm not lost! I appreciate the help though, truly."

She nodded in place of a proper "goodbye" and hurriedly turned around to leave without much warning.

She must be in a rush, I thought to myself.


As I entered my first class of the day, which was history, I stood awkwardly in the doorway, not knowing where to sit. There were a group of girls huddled together at the front of the room, and a bunch of rowdy boys in the middle row. One stuck out like a sore thumb due to his immense size and glamorized headband.

What an odd-looking bunch of people, I inwardly said, still searching for an open seat.

The only place that looked mildly safe and far away from too many gazes was the back of the classroom, where a singular boy sat, staring out the window. His thick, tied-back hair was jet black, and his dark blue eyes nearly were as well, but they still had a noticeable tint to them, like they were the color of the ocean's bottom. Bashfully, I set my notebook and pencil on the desk directly to his right. I sat down quietly, doing my best not to disturb him. I twiddled my thumbs on top of my lap, wishing that time would flow faster so the class could start. But there were still five minutes left. Unlike ever before, it pained me to be so early to class.

"Hey," the silent boy suddenly muttered, "Why did you sit there?"

I-I thought he hadn't even noticed my presence!

"Sorry, I can move if you want. It's just that—I don't like people. Especially complete strangers. So that's why I came back here."

For the first time, he turned his head from the gloomy outdoor view and glanced at me emotionlessly. His eyes were so... empty.

"I understand," he said, "You can stay. Who am I to tell you to go away?"

What a weirdo!

"Okay, thanks," I shyly squeaked.

Rather than returning his attention to the window, he began to draw on a lined sheet of paper.

"Hey," I abruptly blurted, my lips moving before my brain had the good enough sense to shut them up, "I'm Y/N L/N, what's your name?"

He matched my eyes once again, this time seemingly a smidgen brighter.

"It's Giyuu Tomioka," he answered, his breathy voice barely audible, "Nice to meet you."

I couldn't help but feel a bit of pride bubble inside of me. I had done it! I had asserted myself! Even if I had only conversed with the emo, shy kid, it was still a minor victory! Perhaps the dreaded school year wouldn't go completely to hell after all. 

My Heart's Roommate (Giyuu Tomioka x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now