Chapter 2

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I shyly hid behind Tomioka as we strode into the student council meeting room together. Tomioka sat down, and I occupied the empty seat next to him.

"Are you always the first one here?" I inquired.

"Yes. The others usually waste time talking amongst themselves."

That's right—he was an outlier in their eyes, well, according to Shinobu at least.

Just then, the gaggle of student council members and their assistants entered the room. The assistants all looked very young, as though they were freshmen. Three boys in particular caught my attention—one had red eyes and a scar on his forehead, another's hair was an electrifying yellow shade, and the third had an unbelievably pretty face but was wearing a t-shirt with a detailed image of a boar as its design. There was a girl next to Shinobu who shared many similarities to the student council president—they even sported similar butterfly hairpieces. Compared to those two, I felt a bit underdressed in my white blouse and denim jeans.

"Tomioka," I whispered, "All of the other assistants look younger than us, like they're freshmen or sophomores."

He nodded, confirming my statement as a true one.

"Yes, they are. But it doesn't matter. There's no age requirement to be an assistant."

I sighed—the situation was already awkward enough. But, as my eyes followed Rengoku to his seat, I decided the sacrifice of my pride as a senior was worth it. He was such an unbelievably handsome young man. And my feelings were developing quicker and quicker by the minute. He caught me staring and I hastily turned away, playing it off as if I had been looking at the poster on the wall, which was talking about homecoming.

"Hey!" He unexpectedly exclaimed, "L/N! What are you doing here?"

Tomioka spoke up before I had the chance. Perhaps he wasn't as shy as I'd first anticipated.

"She'll be acting as my assistant this semester," he explained, "So please be kind to her."

Thanks, Tomioka, I internally spoke, sighing of relief.

"Oh, that's wonderful!" Rengoku beamed at me, his white teeth and fiery eyes nearly blinding, "Welcome to the team! You won't regret your decision to join us!"

A bit flustered, I simply gave him a thumbs-up rather than replying. I didn't want my voice to so obviously shake—that would have been way too embarrassing, especially when no one, besides Tomioka, had given my novel presence their full approval. I wanted to make nothing but a good first impression on all of them.


Shinobu announced the beginning of the meeting at exactly four o' clock.

"Okay everyone. Let the meeting commence. Before I speak, does anyone else have any issues they want to address?"

The young man from my history class, who sported a bejeweled headband, immediately rose from his seat, banging a fist on the table. He was an attention-grabber, for sure.

"After everyone finished eating that disgusting food in the cafeteria, once they all left, the place was a mess! We need to make sure they clean up after themselves! And order them to do so in a flashy way, don't forget!"

Flashy? Why was that descriptive word needed in this situation?

Shinobu nodded in agreement.

"You're right, Uzui. I noticed that too."

This so-called Uzui was the only other student council member who seemed to have assistants closer to our age—three large-chested girls, who looked as if they were juniors. What a pervert.

"Anything else?" Shinobu pressed, glancing around the room.

Tomioka suddenly raised his hand, causing me to flinch from the unanticipated motion.

"Someone put graffiti on the second-floor bathroom's wall," he said, "It was a pretty gory drawing."

Another one of the student council members stood up. She was a tiny, cute girl with pink and green hair, who wore a very short skirt.

"Never mind that, Tomioka, what we really need to be worrying about is homecoming! It's only three weeks away!"

Three weeks?! Everyone began to chatter, enlivening the room, at the mention of the glorified event.

I turned my gaze to Tomioka, who seemed a bit disgruntled after having his thoughts be ignored.

"Hey," I murmured, "I have an idea. I'll tell you after the meeting's over."

Tomioka flashed me a small smile, and when I faced front once again, I noticed Rengoku staring directly at me, rather than partaking in the conversation!

Oh no... Y/N... Don't blush, don't blush, don't blush!

He swiftly looked in the other direction once I met his eyes. They were so deep and soul-filled. What a lovely man.


At the end of the meeting, everyone had decided on a homecoming theme, as well as catering and music providers. As for me, I grabbed Tomioka by the arm, my grasp unwilling to bend.

"Tomioka, follow me," I stated.

He obeyed without much reluctance.

"Hey, if we're really friends, you can just call me 'Giyuu'," he said, "I don't mind."

I narrowed my eyes.

"We should know each other for at least twenty-four hours before doing that, don't you think?"

He shrugged.

"Okay. I'll look forward to tomorrow then, I guess."

I grinned to myself. He was so cute, like a little puppy. If only I wasn't the only one who could see the warm person behind those cold, emotionless eyes.

"Where are we going?" He asked softly, yawning.

I didn't answer but turned the corner and led him directly into the second-floor bathroom. Thankfully, it was gender-neutral.

When I entered, I immediately understood what Tomioka had been talking about in the student council meeting. Someone had spray-painted a very detailed picture of a demon-like creature murdering a human by chomping its head off. The artist was surely talented, but a school bathroom was not necessarily an appropriate place to show that off.

"Wow..." I uttered, "...Let's clean this up. I'll help you."

Tomioka's eyes widened.

"You don't have to do that," he mumbled, "I'll take care of it."

I shook my head vigorously.

"Absolutely not. Boring stuff is always more fun to do when a friend's around. I'll grab the paper towels and hand them to you. Dampen them and toss on some soap, alright?"

He nodded once, following instructions well.

"We're gonna be here awhile," I sighed.

Thankfully, since it was the first day of school, the teachers hadn't given us any homework.

My Heart's Roommate (Giyuu Tomioka x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now