Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


Sunday morning came with a rage, and I woke up to the peaceful sight of Giyuu still fast asleep. Smiling softly, I sat up and reached over to brush a few unruly strands of hair off of his face. He was, without a doubt, a pretty boy, between that long, black hair and those soft yet striking facial features. I truly adored him.

Standing up, I sluggishly stumbled out of the bedroom, still half-asleep, and headed to the bathroom. Hunger was already striking me in my gut and I was desperate for a piece of toast from the cafeteria. They even had jelly and peanut butter spread next to the toasters. I could make a sandwich!

I threw a sweatshirt over my pajamas and bolted out of the dormitory, careful to close the door behind me in a quiet fashion as to not wake my roommate. I was the only person in the halls, which felt a bit strange, but I didn't mind. Often times, I preferred to be alone with only one or two other people. I hobbled down the staircase, my legs still waking up after being at rest for many hours. Once I had entered the main school building, I turned to go down a long corridor, which I knew would let out in the cafeteria. The smell of coffee and toast wafted into my nostrils, and I couldn't help but want to inhale it all. As I entered the giant room, I stopped straight in my tracks as I noticed someone else was already there—someone with fiery hair and a bright demeanor. Rengoku? Was he a morning riser, just like me?

We must be soulmates.

Making the impulsive decision to be brave, I strutted up to him and nonchalantly grabbed a piece of bread, sticking it in the toaster without glancing his way a single time.

"L/N," he spoke in his deep, booming voice, "Good to see you so early! The toast is really delicious, if you haven't tried it yet!"

He took a bite of his, on which there was both peanut butter and jelly.

"Tasty!" He announced, with every bite he took.

I felt myself get hit with a wave of laughter. He was a bit odd, but in the best way.

"Rengoku," I blurted, "You're best friends with Uzui, right?"

He nodded, his cheeks full of food.

"Then what do you think about him having three girlfriends?"

Rengoku swiped a finger along his chin, contemplating my question.

"It's a little weird, I admit, but it's his decision. However, I prefer the idea of being loyal to one person."

It felt as if a sunbeam had just shined upon my heart. The butterflies in my stomach continued to flit faster with every passing second by his side.

"L/N, you're burning the toast," he pointed out.

I flinched, escaping my dreamy netherworld of infatuated thoughts, and quickly shut the toaster off. If I had done so even thirty seconds later, it would have been burnt to a crisp.

"It's still edible," I said, "I'm starving."

Rengoku grinned.
"Well, you have fun with that! I'll be off now! Take care!"

Wait, don't leave! I don't want you to go!

Before my common sense could kick in, I'd already grasped Rengoku's sleeve, desperate to make him stay with me.

"S-sorry," I tried to recover from the abrupt action, "I just... don't want to eat alone."

Rengoku turned back around to face me head-on.

"You could have just said so! Let's eat together, L/N!"

I could have done a thousand backflips right then and there.

My Heart's Roommate (Giyuu Tomioka x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now