Chapter 7 PT 2

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"Who is that?" I heard one girl whisper, "Does he go to our school? I don't think I've ever seen him before, not even in the grades below us!"

Another responded, "No, he looks familiar to me. Oh! Isn't he that weird kid who's always staring off into space during class? He's on the Student Council too..."
"You mean Tomioka?" Someone else chimed in, "No way! I would have talked to him long before now if that was really him!"
Tomioka? Giyuu actually showed up? He told me he was just going to stay put in the dormitory!

The crowd parted ways so that the mystery man could get through.

"He's so gorgeous!" I heard a girl exclaim.

Another student quickly agreed with her.

At first, I only saw a shadow, and heard the sound of men's dress shoes echoing through the atmosphere as the heels clicked against the floor. But then, light illuminated the figure, and there was no mistaking it—the man everyone had been murmuring about was indeed my best friend and roommate. Except, he looked different somehow—his face was the exact same, but his normally unruly hair was slicked back nicely into place. He was wearing a fitted black suit, which showed off his toned yet slender build underneath. And he looked utterly statuesque due to his height and much-improved posture. He was a completely different version of the Giyuu Tomioka I had become familiar with.

It hit me at that very moment—I had never really noticed how incredibly gorgeous Giyuu was. He looked like a real-life prince, straight out of a book or movie. He had an icy aura radiating about, which made him all the more attractive.

Attractive? What am I thinking?! This is Giyuu we're talking about.

As he unexpectedly matched my eyes, I felt chills crawl up and down my entire spine. Why did I have an unquenchable urge to touch him, and run my hands along his arms and chest?

"Stop it, Y/N!" I accidentally yelped aloud, startling my date, whose attention had been captured by his fellow council member's surprising presence as well.

"Stop what?" He asked, noticeably concerned.

I shook my head, trying to play the odd outburst off.

"I-it's nothing," I lied, "I'm fine. I'm gonna go talk to Giyuu quick, if that's okay. I had no idea he would come!"
Like a magnet, I felt myself being pulled toward Giyuu and away from my date. But I simply couldn't take my eyes off of him. He looked like a model who'd hopped out the front cover of a magazine.

"G-Giyuu," I stuttered, "W-what are you doing here? I thought you were going to stay in the dorm?"

He sighed.

"I was going to, but then I realized you were right. This is the last chance I'll ever get to go to homecoming. So, I cleaned myself up and made my way over."

His eyes flicked up and down as he stared at me.

"You look really lovely," he stated softly, "Just as I expected."
He patted the top of my shoulder and began to walk away from me. But I grabbed his wrist without even realizing it.

"Where are you going?" I asked a bit too forcefully.

"Uh... to the snack table," he responded, "I'm hungry. Didn't eat any dinner yet."

I let go of him when I felt his arm tense underneath my touch.

"S-sorry, I didn't think of that."

Instinctively, I went with him all the way there, right on his heels.

"Why are you following me?" He asked, "Where's Rengoku?"

Oh, no!

I had forgotten that Rengoku was waiting on me.

"He's on the dance floor."

"Then, you should probably join him," Giyuu suggested, "He is your date, after all."

I was about to reply when Shinobu, of all people, approached us out of the blue.

"Hey, Tomioka," she said, her face flushed, "I just wanted to say that... you look really great tonight."
The hairs on the back of my neck stood up without warning.

"Thanks," he innocently smirked, "You look nice as well."

Shinobu giggled in a shy manner before hastily returning to Kanroji's side, and they immediately whispered amongst one another. I felt my heart palpitate bitterly at the sight. Those two girls certainly knew how to get on my last nerve. I turned back to Giyuu, who had collected a glob of frosting on his fork and was holding it up to my lips.

"What are you doing?" I inquired.

He tilted his head cutely to the side.

"I thought you liked to eat the frosting separately?"
Taken aback, I sputtered.

"You actually remembered that?"

"Of course," he answered, as I opened my mouth and inhaled the sugary goodness, "Is it good?"

I nodded vigorously just before glancing over to see Rengoku watching the two of us as he waited anxiously for my return.

"Giyuu, I-I should go. I'll catch up with you later, okay?"

He grinned.

"Alright. I'll be waiting for you..."

Those words struck a chord inside of me, but I ignored the strange sensation and simply went about my business. Even so, for the remainder of the night, every once in a while, I couldn't stop myself from catching a glimpse of my best friend, even while in the arms of my gentle date. 

My Heart's Roommate (Giyuu Tomioka x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now